Dear Hit-and-Run Driver in brown Chevy Trailblazer at Augusta @ Noble 8:35am 1/24/12

You, the one (male) who without a signal or warning jetted into the bike lane when I was right next you.  I was the guy on the green bike who you hit, causing me to lose control and fall to my left into traffic.  In fact, I was the only person on a bike at that time.

It sure was a good thing the light was red and the car traffic was stopped, and that I was moving at less than 5mph as I approached the red light.  Otherwise, I could have been killed. 

It was also a good thing (for you) that I was facing left after my fall, because otherwise I would have seen your license plate.  I did report the accident to the police as a hit and run.

It was also a good thing (for you) that the other drivers didn't give a damn, and drove away when the light turned green.

Because you decided to run from the scene of the accident, I will fill you in on my physical condition:  no injuries, thankfully. 

It sure was a good thing that it is 25F and I am wearing lots of layers for winter riding.  If it had been warm out, I am sure my skin would have contacted the pavement.  My bike is fine too-my body absorbed the impact of the fall.  You ran over one of my blinky lights when you ran from the scene.

When you pulled south into the alley (the N-S alley just to the west of Noble), I tried to catch up to you, and would have been able to had my chain not come off.

It sure was a good thing (for you) that my chain came off.

By the way, I did see that there was a woman in the passenger seat and a kid in the back seat.  I saw the woman in the passenger seat just as you hit me, and saw the kid looking out the window as you drove away.

I assume they are your family.  I hope they are real proud of their husband/father for the courage you showed in running away.

As for me, I will continue to bike to work.  Even after getting hit by you, my commute on my bike was 500% better than sitting on my butt in a car in traffic. 

I will be looking for you.



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Andy - really sorry to read this; but I am very glad you seem to be OK. It's really too bad that no witnesses came forward and helped, it really is a sick world we live in..... I hope that the driver may learn a lesson from this especially since his passengers (family) know what he did and he has to live with that from now on.



Andy, can you clarify the location? Noble ends at North and then become some approximation of 1400W.(like Southport-ish). I commute on Armitage pretty regularly so I can keep my peepers peeped for this prick and get his license number.

Andy, any knockdown is traumatic, wow!  Excellent to hear you and your bike are in one piece.  I'm happy to read about your resiliency too.  The driver chose flight instead of compassion.  A choice rooted in fear.  Demonstrating zero integrity to the young passenger.  Thanks for sharing and I'm again glad you're in one piece man.  

Yikes Andy.  Glad to hear you're okay.  That sounded damn aggravating, not to mention slightly terrifying like any other time a cyclist ends up on the street.  Even if you don't see him again, this guy will get what's coming to him one way or another.

So sorry you had to endure this.  Glad you were not physically damaged. 

A wife and kid in the car, too?  Unreal. Sorry about your blinky, but glad it hasn't deterred you from keepin' on. 

Is there anything that can be done at this point if I happen to see the vehicle in the future?  I live near this area is why I ask.


nice post steel...

Steel Driver said:

Andy, any knockdown is traumatic, wow!  Excellent to hear you and your bike are in one piece.  I'm happy to read about your resiliency too.  The driver chose flight instead of compassion.  A choice rooted in fear.  Demonstrating zero integrity to the young passenger.  Thanks for sharing and I'm again glad you're in one piece man.  

With a kid in the car  Sadly, can't say I'm surprised.  Can't tell you how many times someone has come inches away from taking me out in the bike lane just around the corner at Milwaukee/Augusta.  I mean, it's not like it's painted bright green or anything...

Glad you're okay!

Ok.  I'll do my best to keep that in mind.  I saw it said Southport and Armitage before you revised, but I do ride around Augusta and Milwaukee fairly often.  Hope you have a safe rest of the winter and beyond.    

Andy Moss said:

Hey Brendan - ideally, the best would be to get a tag number.  Unfortunately, brown Chevy Trailblazers seem pretty common.  It's a late model, probably no more than 3-5 years old.  This photo appears to be the same color:  And I barely got a look at the people in the car.  Driver had a 'stache, looked to be a pretty big guy.  Woman in passenger seat looked 40s, 50s, most likely.  As is probably obvious, we were both heading east on Augusta at about 8:35am.

Brendan said:

A wife and kid in the car, too?  Unreal. Sorry about your blinky, but glad it hasn't deterred you from keepin' on. 

Is there anything that can be done at this point if I happen to see the vehicle in the future?  I live near this area is why I ask.

I'm sorry to hear that this scumbag driver did a hit and run on you.  Glad to hear that you weren't seriously injured.  I hope that you or someone else can spot Mr. Scumbag again and get a license plate #.  Wishing you safe, uneventful riding for the rest of the year.

Glad you are ok. it's hard to get info when things happen.

But just a word of caution: But be careful about chasing people down, only get their info don't start anything. Remember 2 years ago that, after hitting him once, that scum former AG in Toronto (Michael Bryant) killed a kid by hitting him 2 more times because he said he was "afraid for his wife" in the car, after the kid on the bike waved his arms at him.

So you don't know if you caught up and yelled or said something, with his kid in the car, who knows what this guy would do. He already proved he doesn't care about your life by running.


Andy Moss said:

Wise words, Chris.  Hard to think rationally when all you feel is rage.

Chris B said:

Glad you are ok. it's hard to get info when things happen.

But just a word of caution: But be careful about chasing people down, only get their info don't start anything. Remember 2 years ago that, after hitting him once, that scum former AG in Toronto (Michael Bryant) killed a kid by hitting him 2 more times because he said he was "afraid for his wife" in the car, after the kid on the bike waved his arms at him.

So you don't know if you caught up and yelled or said something, with his kid in the car, who knows what this guy would do. He already proved he doesn't care about your life by running.


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