Oh jeez, look who's got himself an opinion column in the Trib...

It's crazy Scott Rowan . . .


(Please don't feed the animals comments section.)

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Oye.  There is something awfully Stephen Glass-y about him, no?

Kinda funny, and not one word about bicycles or Critical Mass. At least we can be thankful for that!

Personally I hope he gets rabies from the raccoon bite.

How does this guy get jobs as a writer; he's horrible.

This guy is such a weenie. Not only does he claim to know more about Chicago biking than the rest of us, he is also (according to his little editorial on urban wildlife) a hiker who has traversed most of North America. What an idiot. I have no respect for this guy, especially after his Chicago Tonight apperance a while back, during which he couldn't express a coherent thought. Now this. This guy must have an m.o. Of taking any little experience and parlaying it into a column or book. Just one final thought... I, too, have walked (or more likely biked) along the lakefront and throughout Lincoln Park almost every day for more than 10 years. I've seen a lot of wildlife, especially more over the past 2 yrs or so. But, I've never had a negative experience or felt threatened b y the raccoons, snowy owls, cayotes, deer, beaver, etc that I've come across. (I guess maybe I'd have a column if I did). This guy is either provoking these animals, or they sense he is evil and are going on the offense (kind of like the babboons going after Damien in the Omen), or he takes little experiences and blows them out of proportion for attention.

Owls: The Silent Killer

All things considered it wasn't a bad article, imo.  Light years ahead of the last one I read.  

Who wants to go plant stuffed animals near his trail so he continues to write about stuff like this and not anything bike related?  

Either he hacked into the Trib website to post that, or the staff at the Trib has decided that editorial standards are an antiquated concept.

I'm grateful that it had nothing to do with bikes, but found it a half-assed attempt at humor and generally idiotic.  Why would the Trib pay him for such mediocre writing?  Oh yeah, it's the Trib, a half-assed mediocre shadow of its former self.


Debra J said:

This guy is such a weenie. Not only does he claim to know more about Chicago biking than the rest of us, he is also (according to his little editorial on urban wildlife) a hiker who has traversed most of North America. What an idiot. I have no respect for this guy, especially after his Chicago Tonight apperance a while back, during which he couldn't express a coherent thought. Now this. This guy must have an m.o. Of taking any little experience and parlaying it into a column or book. Just one final thought... I, too, have walked (or more likely biked) along the lakefront and throughout Lincoln Park almost every day for more than 10 years. I've seen a lot of wildlife, especially more over the past 2 yrs or so. But, I've never had a negative experience or felt threatened b y the raccoons, snowy owls, cayotes, deer, beaver, etc that I've come across. (I guess maybe I'd have a column if I did). This guy is either provoking these animals, or they sense he is evil and are going on the offense (kind of like the babboons going after Damien in the Omen), or he takes little experiences and blows them out of proportion for attention.

That is ridiculous. Everyone knows that when the Apocalypse comes, it will be zombies.

+1  Although you have to back a LONG time to find that "former self."

They are always trying to sell paper subscriptions in stores like Menards or other big-box outlets.  I feel sorry for the guys manning the booths and trying to get suckers to buy this worthless Legacy Media rag.  They say it's such a good deal but I always shake my head and say, "No, thank you!" -it's not their faults they are trying to sell over-priced pet-cage liner when you can get pet-cage liner for nothing out of the dumpster.

Anne Alt said:

Oh yeah, it's the Trib, a half-assed mediocre shadow of its former self.

Hey, Scott, better watch out for snipes in those woods, too.  


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