For the second time this week I have been passed (more like buzzed) by a motorized bicycle, using the bike lane, but obviously utilizing a gas engine of some sort.  I can't get up to the 30MPH that this so-called "bicycle" is doing so I tend to end up breathing in some nasty and noxious fumes as it passes by. 

Please let me clarify- this is a bicycle with what appeared to be small gas engine put on after-market (it had what looked like a little gas tank strapped to the back rack). I have seen this particular one several times and it makes me wonder- are these things considered true bicycles and are they supposed to be using the bike lanes, with regular bikes that are mainly people powered? 

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Just as an FYI! Some use this as a way around after having multiple DUI's due to them not needing a license. My GF does DUI counseling for Cook county and has a few clients who legally ride these to class after having 4 and 5 DUI's.

It is so sad to see them on the streets. Mere noisy dirty junk I tell you.

So now I have to not only worry about breathing in the nasty fumes, but also need to worry that they may be driving the bike drunk, too? LOL

Joe Willis said:

Just as an FYI! Some use this as a way around after having multiple DUI's due to them not needing a license. My GF does DUI counseling for Cook county and has a few clients who legally ride these to class after having 4 and 5 DUI's.

Only human-powered vehicles should be allowed in the bike lanes or paths.  The motor-cycles should stay with the other motor vehicles and out of the bicycle lanes. 

I don't care if the "motor" in question is 2-stroke or 4-stroke internal combustion, or "burns" electricity generated from a dirty electrical power plant.  If it runs off of stored potential energy that isn't transmitted through human muscles it belongs OFF of the bike lanes and paths. 

I saw a kid buzzing down Montrose during the looked like an American Chopper, but like 1/3 scale.

These things in the Bike lane, is a No No...on the LFP is a sin.

It's pretty much common practice for scooter riders to duck into the bike lane at every stop sign and red light to pass cars and get the jump on the light before heading back into the auto lane at the front of the pack.

I followed a ditzy woman on one doing this exact thing all the way up Milwaukee street and when I got to the area around the Congress where that retarded double-traffic light is I came up on her stopped as the light turned green and passed her on the left before she got started and I guess it startled her so much to be passed on the left by a bike while she was in the bike lane that she screamed "You scared the F out of me!"

I yelled back, "Then get the F out of the F-ing bike lane with your motorized scooter!"

I'm not always the nice & pleasant person IRL that I seem to be online ;)


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