Nice first ride in the COLD.


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had a nice ride yesterday, crazy how warm it still is out there.

I rode today.  Not too bad so far this winter (knock on wood) we have been very lucky so far.  Todays ride was OK exept for the mist on my glasses. 


The mist did me in after only 14 miles, but still a great ride given the time of year!

Could have done without the rain on the way home. Wished it was snow.


With 2012 right around the corner, perhaps a new thread?  Along the lines of how was your commute today or more general how was your ride today?  Rather than did you ride today?  Many like yourself won't be backing off the saddle due to brisk air temps.  Just a thought.       

h' said:

Is it considered bad form to post a "yes" to this thread every day you've ridden?

Everyone else must have the day off and still be in bed.  I didn't see a soul on Halsted/Lincoln/Wells this morning!  BTW, still great biking weather.  What a difference from last Christmas.


I don't think so.  The question IS "did you ride today?"

And, I think it's fun in the Winter to get motivated by each other.

h' said:

Is it considered bad form to post a "yes" to this thread every day you've ridden?

What a wonderful month for bicycling!....Another beauty today...Cool clouds yesterday along the Salt Creek Trail....


h' said:

Beautiful day to be on a bike.

So far it's been a great Bike Winter.

I wonder if Metra misses me...

Took LFP home after work last night.  Felt like early Fall!

Weatherman says more to come!


The oak street beach bend on the lake shore bike path was covered in ice at 6:30a. Fell and slipped toward the water. Had to retreat. Called it into park security. Unless it warms up, I'd suggest staying away.


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