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Is there help to be found from City of Chicago in addressing road hazards to cyclists and peds? (was "Water Crews...", "Open Letter...")


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Dear Rahm, Dear Jason,

On the evening of Tuesday November 8 2011 I observed that there had been digging at the intersection of W. 24th Street and S. Rockwell and plates had been put down, but apparently the crew did not have large enough plates to cover the hole.

Disappointingly, they left a gap between the plates about 5" wide, as seen in this image taken tonight:

I called this in to 311 and asked them to mark it "urgent."

On  November 11 I passed the spot and noticed nothing had changed, and  placed a second 311 request.

On November 15 I called the 28th Ward Streets and Sanitation office, and Eileen was nice enough to call me back a few hours later when she returned to the office. I explained the situation and lack of follow-up to her and hoped that she would be able to get the problem rectified.

This evening, November 17, I again noted nothing had changed. As I stopped to photograph the problem another man on a bicycle rode up and told me that he had called 311 about this problem as well.

Per a 311 supervisor, all requests are still marked as "open."


To Rahm: I understand that you are trying to increase the efficiency of infrastructure repairs and improvements, but assuming that this is the handiwork of independent contractors, it is clear that basic public safety considerations are not being observed.


To Jason:

I find it surprising that a call to your streets and sanitation office regarding a hazard such as this would not be met with a timely response.  My previous experience with this office under your predecessor was actually quite exemplary.



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I'm glad they finally fixed this inexcusable hazard.

[insert every expletive in the English language here]

One of the plates on the opposite (S) side of this same intersection has now come loose of the asphalt lip and there is a gap larger than the previous one (no way to get the pic from phone to work PC.)

This time in the 12th ward.

Called 12th Streets and San. Sup not in, assistant who always answers phone can't act without asking him what to do.

Called 311 and reported (using 2402 S. Rockwell as address)

Called Alderman's office, voice mail, selected option for "city services,", left message with Carlos Sanchez.

Could really use some help getting the way these plates are secured looked at-- it's a city-wide danger for cyclists and pedestrians.

I did not receive any response or acknowledgement from Gabe Klein last time around.

Apparently this isn't a priority.  Just put on your helmet and come to a complete stop at intersections and you'll be fine.

If you won't be at MBAC next week, I can bring it up to Ben Gomberg. The photos definitely help to illustrate the extent of the problem.

Thanks-- that would be great. Like most people who don't work downtown there's no way I could be at an MBAC meeting without using vacation time.

Ash L. said:

If you won't be at MBAC next week, I can bring it up to Ben Gomberg. The photos definitely help to illustrate the extent of the problem.

-Tried calling ben Gomberg, couldn't track down a phone number

-Streets and San guy from 12th never returned my call

-Spoke to Carlos Sanchez at Ald Cardenas' office in A.M. and just now (he never got the message I left for him for whatever reason). He says it was water dept and they were supposed to go out and take a look at it. Couldn't get a time frame.

Sarcasm fail Howard.  Perhaps I should change my username to James BlackKettle.

I would like to convey that my desire wasn't to derail but to agree with you here.  I wish to highlight my belief that this SHOULD be a priority over other, less-helpful, priorities such as those I lightheartedly mentioned with my previous mordant post. 

Sorry to hear you won't be at the MBAC.  

I'd like to have this be a thread I can point BG or anyone to to help outline the greater problem.

It had been incredibly productive with amazing helpfulness of the folks who've chimed in so far up. Would appreciate if we could keep the comments that don't help solve the problem, or the ones likely to bury the critical info in chatter off of it. Would appreciate it if the previous post could be deleted, and I'll delete this one. Thanks.

-Tried calling ben Gomberg, couldn't track down a phone number

-Streets and San guy from 12th never returned my call

-Spoke to Carlos Sanchez at Ald Cardenas' office in A.M. and just now (he never got the message I left for him for whatever reason). He says it was water dept and they were supposed to go out and take a look at it. Couldn't get a time frame.

Pics: 1: this morning  2: this evening after I stuff traffic cones in it

EXCELLENT idea with the traffic cones!  You have just saved someone from injury with that Howard.

Would appreciate any contacts from someone who might be able to get an awareness sent upwards that there is no help to be found to get these hazards to cyclists and pedestrians addressed in a time frame that reflects the fact that they are actually dangerous.

I did not receive any response or acknowledgement when I wrote to Gabe Klein previously.

I would approach Ethan but I got an out-of-office reply suggesting he would be gone for at least the next month.

Tonight I came across this in the westbound lane of Harrison just west of Halsted:

It's hard to get a perspective from the image but it's about 30" long by about 12" wide, and opens directly into the vault with nothing to break the fall if your leg should end up in there. It's right where one would step off the curb to board the #7 or #60 bus.

I called it in to 311, and had the operator check-- I had called it in on November 10, and it had been closed as "completed." I don't go this way often so I have no way of knowing what sort of follow-up there may be. I've given the location as 820 W. Harrison both times if anyone wants to take this on.

As I recall from trying to get some sort of actual sanctioned pedestrian crossing put in over there a few years ago, the south side of Harrison is 25th ward/Solis and the side where this is at is the 2nd ward/ Fioretti.  I have had a very minimal to non-existent response from Fioretti's office in general, but maybe a constituent would fare better.

I appreciate the nice words, but it's still completely wrong that we can't get problems like this fixed in a reasonable amount of time. 

This morning the tall cones were crushed, and someone had taken the middle cone to mark a parking space half a block away.

Is there a way to upload a photo via text?

Michelle Gregorek said:

EXCELLENT idea with the traffic cones!  You have just saved someone from injury with that Howard.


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