Come warmer weather, is anyone interested in one of the following?

1. Moving their home completely by bike

2. Participating in such a move


I and a couple friends are interested in participating in a "cargo bike move". It would look like this.

Memorial Day cargo bike jamboree 

The Chicago cargo bike scene is on a fast track to awesomeness. Let's keep it moving!

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I don't even have panniers or a basket on my bike, but I guess I could fit a frying pan or two and a pillow in my messenger bag and join in, sure.

We'll have to change that! You'll at least need a rear rack for those. 

Michelle Stenzel said:

I don't even have panniers or a basket on my bike, but I guess I could fit a frying pan or two and a pillow in my messenger bag and join in, sure.

I'd be interested in helping out.  Where do ya live abouts?

I'm not actually planning a move. But 100 other probably are. Or will move. I just want to be prepared, and it's best to plan early to make sure all friends and cargo bike enthusiasts are there. 


It will be like another Cargo Bike Roll Call.

My dad bought a yuba mundo recently and I'd like to try it out.  This would be perfect.


So.... everyone meets at one place and then we help... who move?  I'm a bit confused, sorry.  



I took me multiple trips with a van and car to move.  Apparently I have a lot of stuff.

Thanks for the link. I didn't know about this. 

Trailers count. 

Brendan: Nothing's happening/no one's moving. I'm gauging interest in such an activity.

M.A.R.K. said:

There have been several bike only moves in the past, where the community has chipped in however they could, with their racks, trailers, etc. There is a group call bike movers here check it out.

I've never hauled more than 100 lbs. before, but it would be fun to see what I could manage.  A new trailer has been on my mind anyway, maybe I should get started on it.

Steven, well then yes.  Count me and my dad's yuba mundo if he's not using it that day.  

Very cool. And nicely written press release. 

I'm looking forward to helping with the next move. So everyone just keep this thread and the group in mind when you hear about a friend who wants to move completely by bike. 

Howard: I hope you've switched to OpenOffice or another solution ;)

h' said:

I've helped with maybe 6 bike moves over the past 6-8 years and managed to get pretty good TV coverage for several.

Here's a press release from Rachel's move: XXX

Plenty of people out there who would be more than happy to help with a bike move.

I would be on board helping with a move to benefit one of our local grassroots organizations (Bike Winter, BTG, etc.)  I have enough trailers and hitches to set up four other movers.

Would have to be on a weekend, preferably a Sunday, and need to be reasonably central.

In other news, AppleWorks still launches and runs in Snow Leopard :-)


Depending on timing, I might be up for it.

The only thing I hate more than helping someone move is bringing someone to the airport. I don't have Portland's altruistic tendencies. Maybe I can coax Rico into using my cargo bike to do it, though. He'll take one for the team.


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