It is not enough that we have to fight for our few feet on the road but now corporate America has openly bashed cycling. Feel free to let them know you are not ammused.

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Late to the party; not only has GM pulled the ad and apologized but Giant has already put out an ad in response to it.
*slow clap* for GM
State Farm Insurance also recently ran a radio ad jingle that pretty much said the guy used his insurance money to buy another car because a bicycle wasn't practical.  They've obviously never seen a Surly Big Dummy.
And my tax dollars helped bail them out. WTF!!!!!!

I've been hearing this ad for the past few weeks and it is really infuriating---total perpetuation of "bike = toy" mindset.


While State Farm was great about 2 stolen bike claims made against my renter's insurance in the past 5 years, they recently sent me a nastygram letting me know that my deductible for such claims has been quadrupled.


Time to investigate alternatives.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

State Farm Insurance also recently ran a radio ad jingle that pretty much said the guy used his insurance money to buy another car because a bicycle wasn't practical.  They've obviously never seen a Surly Big Dummy.

I'm a surly big dummy.

I remember in the mid nineties, VW selling jettas with a roof rack and I think they threw in a bike...I always thought that was cool.

let me google that.




Ya, it was a Trek, It's mentioned in this BLOG (so I guess i didn't dream it)

Love it!

BritBoy said:

This reminds me of the official Critical Mass palindrome: "CM: Get a rebel cycle, berate GMC."

Nice! Though I'd have to count $5 a day meal as "fuel".

BritBoy said:


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