Has anyone had success getting the city to remove an abandoned bike?

...because I sure haven't.

There has been a very neglected, obviously abandoned, bike locked to a bicycle rack outside of my workplace for what seems like an eternity (it's been there at least since November '10). I have been calling the city relentlessly since February requesting that it be removed. The last 2 times I've called I was told the request would be marked "urgent" and that they would "get to it as soon as possible." Still nothing. I know the city likes to takes its sweet ol' time with things like this, but c'mon...5 months and counting?

With the summer bicyclists now emerging, parking spots are becoming more and more scarce. I want all the available bike racks I can get! Yes, I also requested (last year) another bike rack to be installed. You can probably guess the outcome of that as well.

What else can I do to free up this spot? I'm not interested in the DIY angle grinder method. Does anyone have any kind of hookup with the city to make this happen?

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My vacation was great!  Thanks for asking, Kevin.  Spent some time in Detroit....lots of bikes and baseball!

Kevin C said:

If it's any comfort, the universe is more than likely simply indifferent to you Laura. How was your vacation?

Wow!  A real life tag.  Unbelievable!  Thanks for proving that they actually do exist.  So there is hope...

Gooseberry Pie! said:

I saw this downtown (on Michigan between Monroe and Madison I think) on the evening of the 22nd...

Thank you, Ethan!  I appreciate you bringing attention to this topic.  Hopefully my experience will shed some light on some of the flaws and gaps in the execution of handling abandoned bikes.  Please keep us posted on any progress. I would be interested to know where the evident breakdown of communication stems from.  Thanks again!!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

FYI, we (I) have been behind on Chainlink monitoring/discussing and missed this until now...I've passed it to a couple of people at CDOT so they are directly aware of this thread/issue.



Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

VICTORY!!!!!  After just 7 short months, I finally have an open bike rack at work!  I'm still curious as to who removed the u-lock....anyone? anyone? 


I called 311 a few weeks ago about an abandoned bike right in front of my apartment and there is still no tag on it. It would be really great for this process to work a bit faster than 7 months. I guess I'll just look forward to it being gone in, what, March? ;)
Wow!!  Such good news!  I hope this means that this program is finally starting to get some much-needed attention.  Hopefully the abandoned bike in front of your apartment is taken care of quickly.  The only advice I can give is to be persistent about it.  Good luck!

Rhea Butcher said:
Yeah!  Great news.

Laura Blake said:

VICTORY!!!!!  After just 7 short months, I finally have an open bike rack at work!  I'm still curious as to who removed the u-lock....anyone? anyone? 


Saw my first tag last night by my place in Buena Park. The bike has had the rear wheel gone for a month or so.
Where do all of the bikes go? Do they get auctioned off?
They end up getting donated to working bikes cooperative.

nm. misread the replies. 


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