We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Curt --Iowa City Iowa
Redline Comp Pro.. Lot of extras helps when your son can buy at cost...built by Zach Moore at Wrench Science ..Berkeley Calif
Enjoy commuting to work about 9 miles round trip ( yes we have hills) and riding anywhere I haven't been yet. Rode in Chicago for the Urban Assualt Ride. Will be back to ride more of your fair City. I was surprised how tolerant the drivers were...no honking or gestures.
Hi to Jody Orlovick
Hi im Josh.

This is a old pic of my bike. It really doesn't look like this anymore. The hubs, wheels, stem, bars, seat post, seat, and crank have all changed. If I had a newer photo I would show you but I dont.

If you've moved already, welcome to Chi-town. If not, wait a little while, it's sure to get warmed.
Hope we can meet up sometime. I live in Highland Park, and ride with a club which I co-founded about 27 years ago, called Velo Club Roubaix. Look me (us) some time.

The Safety is Sexy Campaign said:
Hi -
I am moving to Chicago in January and I am excited to get involved in all of these activities!
This is me with my bike

These are some stickers that I pass out through The Safety is Sexy Campaign. E-mail me if you would like some at safetyissexy@gmail.com

finally snapped some pics of all my rides, in no particular order:

The commuter:

The speed demon:

The fast, smooth offroader:

The single speed offroader:

The tricks bike:

Hmmm....this could be a Tom Waits song. ;)

h3 said:
cutifly said:
The trick is to meet the kind of woman with "her own money and her own future" . Although in the majority of examples such as that they do end up being not very attractive nor interesting and are almost always overweight but hey you know they gotta be smart. So the trick is a brown paper bag and a cut out from a fashion magazine with someone you are really attracted too, paste with a glue stick and place on head. Don't have a paper bag ? A younger better looking sister or 20's something's daughter will do. Woman always sense when your getting some kind of action and all of a sudden they want to chase you and try a mess you up only to dump you after you say you have left your other woman for them. Solution is don't tell. I know a great place in Glenview supposed to be a haven for lonely divorced woman with great live music. I personally have not been there yet, but would be willing to check it out, I am pretty good at chatting people up when I am drinking. I personally prefer my babes on Prozac involved in some type of crisis, but hey that is just me. I am always down.

This post should really be set to music . . .
My name's Joe and I just moved to Logan Square from Lansing, MI. Been here for about a month, ready to get involved with bike people.

Here's a couple pics:

My beautiful Blue when I took her apart and cleaned her up real nice for the first time:

I am a web developer working downtown and my commute is on Milwaukee Ave. I like the Handlebar on North Ave and I'd like to find more people and places to hang out.
Hello! My name is Hector.
I was born in Mexico City and lived in Los Angeles pretty much all my life.
I moved to Chicago in 2005 and I love it here. I currently live in Lincoln Square.
This is me.

This is what I currently ride.

and looking to add to my collection.
I don't see Jackson on that map...

h3 said:
Joe Sak said:
My name's Joe and I just moved to Logan Square from Lansing, MI. Been here for about a month, ready to get involved with bike people.

Welcome to Chicago!
A big friendly high five to you:

A Logan Square Trivia quiz to help you acclimate:
-where is the oldest house in Logan Square?
-who is Logan Square named after
-what national holiday do we owe to Logan Square's namesake?
-why is it a "square"?
-what hollywood film had several scenes take place in the Logan Square Metra station?
-what nationally famous structure was also designed by the designer of the Logan Square "eagle?"
Oh, I wasn't trying to answer any of the questions, I was commenting on the selective detail of the map. I'm from Jackson, MI originally and my dad is from Belleville, but Belleville is much smaller than Jackson, so I found it strange that Jackson's not on there. :/

h3 said:
El Gecko said:
I don't see Jackson on that map...

h3 said:
Joe Sak said:
My name's Joe and I just moved to Logan Square from Lansing, MI. Been here for about a month, ready to get involved with bike people.

Welcome to Chicago!
A big friendly high five to you:

A Logan Square Trivia quiz to help you acclimate:
-where is the oldest house in Logan Square?
-who is Logan Square named after
-what national holiday do we owe to Logan Square's namesake?
-why is it a "square"?
-what hollywood film had several scenes take place in the Logan Square Metra station?
-what nationally famous structure was also designed by the designer of the Logan Square "eagle?"

I'm sorry, Logan Square is not named after Andrew Jackson.
Just thought I'd Bump this up In Case New Chainlink Menbers Miss this Thread

Just Ride
Hi, I'm Heather. I'm kinda new to Chainlink, but I'm a long-time listserv lurker. I live in Canaryville and I ride with the South Side Cyclepaths. I commute hideous distances on cruisers, although I recently had a flat and rode my husband's Trek today, which has me seriously considering repenting my ways, as a recent job-change has added 4.2 miles to my daily commute...

At any rate, I'm usually seen on 1) a 1960 Spitfire, 2) a 1966 Hollywood, 3) the back of a yellow 1973 Twinn that answers to "BumbleBee," or 4) my Wicked Pixie. My husband (who's way more sociable than myself, as most who've met us will attest) and I met on the April 2006 Critical Mass, which I hear was also the 22-year anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.

The Wicked Pixie is on the right:

I'm the one with the gorgeous head-wound, preparing for the October '08 Critical Mass (Emily, thanks ever so much for the picture):

A close-up of our Twinn:

The KimChee Cruiser (R.I.P.), a.k.a. my $10 road bike, on which much more was spent in maintenance, stolen from my office building in August 2007...

That's about all I have for now. I guess I'll have to get a new phone, then I can start posting Schwinn-Porn...
I'm Anne.

I got to know the north side pretty well when I lived in Rogers Park, and I commuted regularly from there to the Loop. Since I've been in Beverly, I've been exploring more of the south side. It would be great to find folks to commute with.
These are my bikes.

my Raleigh mountain bike - basic sport utility for riding around town, pulling a trailer, etc.

my Dahon folder - great for taking on Metra or other combo trips, or easy cruises around the 'hood

my 1978 Univega - for when I want to ride long and fast


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