Does anyone know if City of Chicago accident reports are available to the public, preferably on line and free? Is this public information?


Specifically, I'm trying to get follow up information about the event that happened this past Monday involving a taxi cab striking down a pedestrian in a Lakeview crosswalk, followed by her death the next day. I'd like more details than are being provided by the major media outlets, in connection with my blog about Chicago bike and pedestrian safety issues.


I tried to figure it out myself but am getting nowhere, and I thought maybe some of you had experience with this from following up about details of bicyclist-vehicle incidents.


Thanks for any leads.

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Absent an agency relationship with one of the people/companies/parties involved in the accident, my guess is "no." It is not public information.
Thanks. To clarify, I'm not looking for personal details about the parties, just things like the content of witness statements and whether there are ever any charges brought/additional citations issued.

Maybe a Freedom of Information Act request would work?  I would guess the police department is the relevant contact.  I'm impressed at how well done the page is, with real instructions and contacts.

The site walks you through the steps to obtaining a report. If you have any issues or further questions, they can call 311 or contact the CPD Freedom of Information Office at 312.745.5308.



Rebecca Resman, Active Trans Crash Support

Thanks for the replies. I had found some of these leads already, but they seem a little old-fashioned, like submitting a request via snail mail. The new mayoral administration is very big into sharing information (like the new city data portal), so maybe it will become easier.


The following sentence at the ClearPath link makes me think that it's not even "legal" for non-parties to request an accident report:


"Members of the general public may obtain a copy of a case report or other documentcontaining information to substantiate a personal injury, a loss or damage to property."


Plus, to submit the request you have to have the police report number given out at the scene.


Not sure why accident reports must remain so under wraps.



Try this link:


Again, if you run into any issues, just call 312.745.5308, the Freedom of Information Office. They are very helpful and responsive. You will even reach a live operator when you call.


Good luck,

Rebecca Resman, Active Trans Crash Support


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