Anyone ride it this morning???


The Madison Street bike lane, Chicago's first bike lane in the Loop, was installed last night! Bike lane markings through intersections and an increase in bike symbols will help alert all roadway users of the presence of the bike lane. - courtesy of 's Chicago Bicycle Programs's facebook page.


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The Loop Get Is A Bike Lane?  What is 'The Loop Get' and why is it a bike lane?

I am a witness, they were marking some lines yesterday ^_^



Any plans for any other streets in the Loop?

Finnally! My usual route to the west loop will be alot more clear. I wonder if they will give me a ticket for not riding the lane when it becomes unridable like that guy in New York.

With apologies to John (20:29), I have seen the painted bike lane on Madison Street. I believe!
gets ?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

The Loop Get Is A Bike Lane?  What is 'The Loop Get' and why is it a bike lane?

Updated title. Joke all you want.

Just one exclamation point?  C'mon!


I see a lawsuit in Kevin's future.

'Ryan, lets' cut some' sl'ack here.  'The oc'casional mis'placed a'postrophe isnt' NEC'ESSARILY the d'eath of t'he En'glish lan'guage.   !!!
Some aerial photos 


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