I've been a musician all my life, but for some inane reason, put that on the back burner (think slow-simmer, almost dead) for the last couple of years. When I went home for the holidays, I hooked up with some old musician friends and had a total BLAST. It made me remember how much I loved playing.

I bought a new amp today that should arrive Wednesday, and now I'm toying with buying another guitar. I've only really been to Guitar Center in the city. Any recommendations for great places in town to drool over gear? Thanks!

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Hmmm...While I'm not sure how great this place is for guitars, Andy's Music is AMAZING for instruments from around the world (particularly percussion). I got a set of tabla there about 4-5 years ago that I still love.

It looks like they've got a good selection of "mainstream" stuff like drums and guitars as well, but I didn't really get a glimpse of that stuff. I think they kind of divide the major categories of instruments into different entirely different sections/storefronts, similar to how their site is organized into distinct "subsites" by category.
Midwest buy & sell. Austin & Irving park. www.myspace.com/midwestbuyandsell
Good vintage and plenty of cheap stuff too.
Maken' Music on Hubbard. They have top-notch new gear, and a great acoustic room.

Actually, it totally depends on what you're looking for. Maken' Music is known as a boutique-type place, but not so much with the vintage vibe as CME. If it's what you're after, Ted over there (and the others) know what's up. They have the best pedals available as well. For repair, setup, modification, creation I can't recommend Tim Schroeder enough. He is truly first rate. Same building as Maken' Music, different door. If you find treasure at Midwest, for instance, take it to Tim to get it fixed up and solid.

My alternate life is 'music,' and I've got a ton of stuff (I was going to say 'crap' but it would be a disservice). In fact, it's interesting how often I seem to find musicians that are also into cycling. The zen of the ride perhaps isn't unlike the zen of playing.
I'm not a rocker, but I do enjoy making music. I'm in a sight reading concert band. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. It's not really so much for beginners, but if you can play advanced high school or college stuff and can keep up on sight reading, it's great practice. It's free and we rehearse on Thursday evenings up north.

Oh and I play clarinet, though I've been attempting to play oboe for the past year. I do think that you get a similar rush playing music as you do while biking. For me it's a great feeling of accomplishment. When I'm biking and really hitting a good pace, it's a kind of independent joyfulness, like I'm creating movement and motion.

When playing music (especially alone) it's the same thing....the sounds are being created by me and no one else. Playing with other people is great too and I imagine that it's probably a lot like being in a paceline, though I've never been in one, maybe I should try.

Now I want to practice, too bad I'd wake everyone up.
I still have these guitars my friend and I made a few years back Jason.

Wow. Those are really sweet, man!

And I appreciate everyone's input. However, I've decided to follow my heart (and dent the hell out of my pocketbook), and pick this up:

cutifly said:
I still have these guitars my friend and I made a few years back Jason.
I would like to visit the Music Exchange -looks like a well stocked Guitar eyecandy shop, but I only have Sam Ash and Guitar centers around here. I'm lefty so my options are prety slim, and that's mainly why I built my own a couple years ago...
Rockin the P90s! Nice one. Is that an SG Special? A good Gibson is always a worthwhile axe.


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