Will the new Rogers Park alderman build the bike bridge Berny blocked?

Today Grid Chicago takes a spin on the North Shore Channel Trail, a scenic bike path offering an almost car-free route from Chicago's Albany Park neighborhood to Evanston. But former 50th Ward Alderman Berny Stone blocked the construction of a planned, funded bridge connecting the two segments of the trail, and the bridge became a campaign issue in his 2007 reelection fight. Rahm Emanuel ally Debra Silverstein finally ousted Bernie in this year's election. Will she build the bridge Berny blocked?

Find out here.

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield


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Mark Lebowitz and Bob Kastigar have been very involved in this, and are the reason it's even on Silverstein's radar--would have been nice to see them mentioned.  I didn't realize he spelled Berny with a "y"-- what a weirdo.

Bob's there.

'Local bike advocates cried foul. “We could find no good reason for his opposition to the bike bridge,” explains cyclist Bob Kastigar, who created a photo essay illustrating the issue.'

Gooseberry Pie! said:

Mark Lebowitz and Bob Kastigar have been very involved in this, and are the reason it's even on Silverstein's radar--would have been nice to see them mentioned.  I didn't realize he spelled Berny with a "y"-- what a weirdo.

...And Mark gave me some info as well, although his quotes had to be snipped for length. Darn 500-word print articles!


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