I'd like to thank the officers that enforced the bike lane last night.


On my commute home last night (about 6ish going NW on Elston), I was coming up to the Home Depot on the west and Strack & Van Till on the east and traffic was actually pretty terrible. It was backed up to at least Staples (where the bike lane moves from the curb out to the right lane to create the parking lane).


Anyway, at the driveway entrance (with the light), a driver decided they were going to try and take the bike lane. Considering the city changed the roadway to a turn only - driving - bike lane set up, that would literally not leave enough room for a driver, yet someone tried and then abruptly stopped and blocked me when they realized their Jeep would not fit.


However, five cars up was a police car. So, I figured what the hell. I slowed down, the passenger officer rolled down his window and I asked if he could either get the person out of the bike lane or watch them to see if they move over. His response (much to my surprise), "I sure can." I said thanks and kept riding, but looking over my shoulder, I saw he'd gotten out of the car and approached the offending vehicle.


Obviously, I don't know the outcome (if any tickets or warnings were given), but it was a great feeling to have action taken against drivers who do this. Hopefully this person has learned that no matter what their reason is for being in the bike lane, that it is illegal.

Thank you CPD!



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I was there at the time too. It was pure mayhem. Once one care jumps in the bike lane, all of the jerks follow suit.


Is this a daily occurrence?

It's not always like that. In fact, that is probably the craziest I've seen it since they added the dedicated turn lane. I also think the rain didn't help, as drivers seem to become brainless when it starts to rain/has rained.

100% with you on the once one person does it, people think it's ok.

Also, some asshat honked at me as he was pulling out of that mini mall that's between Logan and Western/Diversey. All because I had the nerve to yell "stop" as I'm coming up on him in the bike lane and he wasn't going to stop even though there was absolutely nowhere for him to go except block an entire lane of traffic.

Seriously, most drivers are pretty good about dealing with bikes, but then two jerks in one day can ruin everything.

Well Done Chris. ;-) And Well Done CPD ;-)
Bravo!  Good for you for making the request of the officer.  Good for the officer for following up on it.

Yeah..it's my everyday commute route. It seems the dedicated middle left-turn lane has eased the cars taking the bike lane to get around someone. And they repainted the bike lanes in that stretch of road from Logan to Fullerton. However, apparently cars think they can fit within the 3 1/2 feet or whatever the bike lane is to create an extra lane for them.

I'm just really glad the cops actually did something as, even though it was raining, there were a bunch of other riders behind me.

Also, I'm really glad I didn't do my normal "pound on window and yell 'move over' while pointing at their lane" routine. I think a police officer is far more persuasive.

Last time I did this "pound on window and yell 'move over' while pointing at their lane routine." the driver  got out of his car, caught up to me at a light and hit me in the head hard enough to knock me off my bike. Now, I just omit the pound on the window part.  :-)
Haha...good call. I had a guy give me the finger when I was yelling "stop" as he was pulling out of a side street (again with no place to go, line of traffic in both directions) right as I was almost to him. I stopped and asked why he would give me the finger, he got out of his car and grabbed me by my jacket and told me he was going to kick my ass. Luckily he did not hit me. I tried to get his license plate, but was too shaken up. Someone did stop and asked what the hell just happened and offered to call the cops. I said no, but wish I would have said yes. Live and learn. Going forward I think I'll omit the "pounding on the window" as well :)


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