Holy Fracking Cow-- Chicago's top bike thieves arrested



Actually not so exciting that they were arrested again, but that there's solid detective work, evidence, and publicity this time.

I can't say too much about these guys publicly, but this is significant. Too bad it took suburban police to reign them in, however temporarily.


Julie, I think it somewhat likely your coworker's bike is among those seized.  I know Chicago and UIC police are in the habit of checking CSBR as a matter of routine, but I don't know about the suburban police.

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This is big by big. This is big squared. This is big to the nth power.

Court is always (almost) open to the public. I wouldn't expect the July 12th date to be significant. I want to figure out a way to get some of my scrapbook to Wilmette police...


Oh, wow.
Great news!
This made my evening
Do I see scum?  Gotta get some Tilex.
He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.

James Baum said:
He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.

I don't bet because I hope I'm wrong.


Kevin Conway said:


James Baum said:
He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.

Then struggle to keep a good thought.

James Baum said:

I don't bet because I hope I'm wrong.


Kevin Conway said:


James Baum said:
He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.
Kevin Conway said:

Here's a shot of Kenny waxing poetic in March of this year.

Where was this?  What's the context?  Any other links to info on this guy?
At the very least his activities can be monitored by people such as the task force.  If/when he gets out someone should be keeping an eye out for him if the cops are too interested in the donut shop to do anything about him going back to work.


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