I have had my brass connectors at the end of the wire pull off while riding.  Is that center wheel suppose to move?  How do I keep it in place buy the nuts so this doesn't keep happening?  I need to clarification on how these things work.

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The ball bearing cones need to be adjusted.

They are too tight?

Juan said:

The ball bearing cones need to be adjusted.

You need to take the wheel off of the fork to really see the issue. It is an old hub, that has an inner set of locking cones that need to be adjusted to the generator body to keep it from moving. Also the grease may be so old that it has become sticky and makes the generator plate move along with the hub flange.

Thanks.  I have a better idea now.  I have not worked on one yet, but will consult Sheldon's page.

Juan said:

You need to take the wheel off of the fork to really see the issue. It is an old hub, that has an inner set of locking cones that need to be adjusted to the generator body to keep it from moving. Also the grease may be so old that it has become sticky and makes the generator plate move along with the hub flange.

You are welcome. Good luck.


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