been looking around and i am totally into a weekend drive/ride trail/beer-bbq/hot tub house rental situation with a crew. does any one have suggestions on cities with decent amenities but close to good trails? i have not spent much time at all in the cheese state aside from Milwaukee.

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Its time to take back every nasty thought you had about those who live above the Cheddar Curtain.  The state publishes excellent bike maps of every county.  I used one of these maps in conjunction with the ATA map to create a ride to Lake Geneva a few years ago.  Whereever you go in the Land O' Cheese you can find good roads for cycling and good ways to link up to your destination.

We did this last year and are going back in the fall, it's really nice riding, plus with a short detour you can go through a railroad tunnel/cave that curves, which is spooky and pretty sweet.


Can't recommend this enough either:


The website and free map (they even cover postage!) give great route suggestions and topography, including the total distance you have to bike uphill.  I highly recommend the route that starts/stops at Petosi Brewery, they also have this in their building, it was much cooler than I expected:

envane x said:

New Glarus, the Sugar River trail goes right through it. Beautiful country.

Thanks Dave....  I just checked out the website and ordered the map....  I have lived on both sides of the Cheddar Curtain and I have to say that they have better cycling up there....

David Barish said:
Its time to take back every nasty thought you had about those who live above the Cheddar Curtain.  The state publishes excellent bike maps of every county.  I used one of these maps in conjunction with the ATA map to create a ride to Lake Geneva a few years ago.  Whereever you go in the Land O' Cheese you can find good roads for cycling and good ways to link up to your destination.


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