Big Changes and New Leadership for The Chainlink

Greetings from Croatia!

The Chainlink is coming up on its three-year anniversary, and as we approach this milestone, I'd like to reflect and share some news.

Over the past three years, our community has grown immensely. We've seen The Chainlink start with a handful of people (most of whom were unsuspecting cyclists whom I begged to join). We celebrated when we hit 1,000 members nine months later, and we've steadily been welcoming members into the community ever since. Now our community has grown to over 5,000. I've gotten to meet and get to know many of you, and the amazing community we have is a testament to each of you. Your enthusiasm for cycling and The Chainlink has been inspiring.

As with all things, even when you put your heart and soul into something, there comes a time when you move on to seek new challenges. For me, that time is now.


After much deliberation, I am stepping down as the head of The Chainlink. It's time for me to pursue new challenges and bring new ideas to life. I leave the community in the capable hands of Julie Hochstadter, who until now has been The Chainlink's Director of Marketing. Many of you know Julie, and I think you'll agree that she's a capable and enthusiastic leader. I know she'll do great things for The Chainlink.

In the meantime, I'm pursuing the next phase of my adventures. In January I left Chicago to begin a year of traveling with my girlfriend. We are working remotely while traveling - an experiment of sorts to test out being able to live a life that's independent of any particular location, so we can live wherever we want. We started a company to help companies big and small with their website and marketing needs, called Start Somewhere ( and with laptops in hand, we're working remotely on clients from home while visiting places like Colombia and Budapest. If you're curious, you can check out our travel blog:

During my travels I'll be in and out of Chicago, but of course you an always find me on The Chainlink or email me at

As I step down, let me say that it's been an honor to be a part of this incredible community, and to -- in a small way -- be a part of your lives. Thank you for being a part of The Chainlink and a part of Chicago's cycling community.

With gratitude,


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Thanks, Leah! Rock on. Look out, world.

Leah, sincere thanks and congratulations from all of us at Active Trans!


TheChainlink is such a wonderful community that you created and we wish you the best of luck with Start-Somewhere.


We are honored to know you and hope to see you on the streets when you are in Chicago!



Active Trans, via Ethan Spotts

Thanks for starting The Chainlink.  I wish you well in your new endeavors. I'm probably one of the few members from Milwaukee and hope for unity between Milwaukee and Chicago cyclists, as well as maintaining a friendly rivalry that uplifts cycling in both cities and also in between.  I believe cyclists in the region can learn from each other.

Thank you for all you've done to create this amazing online community.  It's been such a phenomenal addition to our Chicago cycling community.

This morning I was at a workshop at IIT and was telling a group of IIT students that they need to check out the Chainlink.

Wishing you and your partner success in your new venture and your life.

Thanks everyone!!

Thank you very much for starting the Chainlink, and for your years of hard work.  I am something of a hermit and I do not socalize much.  But through the chainlink I have met many people and have even made a few friends. Great people that I would have otherwise never known. Thank you  very much.


I saw some Chainlink people today at the Bike Swap and it reminded me of the first time I met Leah and the rest of the gang.

If The Chainlink is any indication of what Leah can do, then we better hold on tight for another wild ride. I can't wait. You go girl!

Sam S said:

Thanks, Leah! Rock on. Look out, world.


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