While listening to to the Waddle and Silvy Show from 9 to 1 pm on 06/07/11 on ESPN radio I got to hear how fun it would be if they intentionally doored cyclists and how sometimes that would just feel great. This went on for about 20 minutes.


Well I didn't think that would be great. And as some may know I'm vocal. ;-) So I tried  tweeting with Silvy @WaddleandSilvy for those that tweet and he said that the best course of action would be to send an e-mail to: waddleandsilvy@espnchicago.com


The Apology we got on 06/08/11 was a joke. Happened 45 minutes into the show and was terrible.


At the bottom of Espn.com there is also a Contact Us that goes to corporate vs the address above that is only read by the show hosts. We need to get on this!


If you wanna hear the comments they have a podcast http://espn.go.com/espnradio/player?rd=1#/podcenter/?callsign=WMVPA... . and it happens about 2 hours 14 minutes into the show if memory serves. Started out with making fun of spandex shorts and then went on to murder.


In light of the fact that ESPN already had Tony Kornheiser voice his opinions on cyclists I doubt they are looking for more trouble so it would be a good time to get the message out. Watch out for us! Dooring Can KILL us! etc...


And Here is a list of sponsors of Waddle and Silvy: They should hear about our  displeasure as well!


Performance Bikes!!! Harris Bank, Golfsmith, Jimmy Johns (they do bike deliveries, hello!), John Chico's Men's Wear, Triton College, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank, Ameristar, Home Depot, Johnsonville, Gerber Collision & Glass, Studio 41 Remodelling, 

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I just wrote to the radio hosts, and included these pics I took last fall of a Ghost Bike for Clinton Miceli, who was killed by a door almost three years ago to the day of this broadcast. I don't know how anyone could think this is funny.



Why bother contacting them directly?  Write straight to the FCC.  Pull their show, pull their license.



part 2.  For filing with FCC please give other specific information ESPN's Chicago call letters and numbers (such as 88.9 on the radio dial).  Specific time of their monologue/dialogue.


I've sent a FCC cokmplaint.



Why bother contacting them directly? Write straight to the FCC. Pull their show, pull their license.




I think this is an overreaction.  I suspect few of us actually heard what was said. I did not. As mentioned, the podcast deletes it and that is probably a good thing. I don't know the context. I don't know if its complete neanderthal- kill the cyclists, or simply stupid overreaction to an event on the road generalizing a desire to hurt us from the actions of a particular party he encountered. I rarely listen to the show but find that Waddle and Giancreco are usually more mature than many others in the radiosphere.  I would love to hear what actually transpired. Either way, the thread here is correct- we should let them know this is not just foolish but dangerous talk.  However, its sports radio.  It is what it is and successful hosts say challenging, and often stupid things. That's their job.  I think sending them informatiton on a particular ghost bike where a poor sould was killed by being doored may open even the most reactionary person's eyes.  Robert took the teaching moment and I applaud him.

Nancy, i like you're initiative but i'd lketo use this as a teaching moment. i dont want anyone fired for saying something dumb i want them to learn and then help teach. i included clint in my e-mail to them as well. however the waddleandsilvy address only gets read by them and to stir it up we need to send to espn corporate. can be found on the contact us at the bottom of the page on espn.com. let's get a positive message sent out from a stupid mistake.

I'm not sure if this was posted previously or not, but this blog pulled some of the audio from the show. If you follow the link below, there is a play button above the text. 





Waiting for that list, Gabe. I'm for getting the two of them publicly censured, fined, and off the air—or hit in the face with a baseball bat—their choice. They can even wear a bike helmet for the latter. Of course, one could argue that there's nothing in those craniums that really needs protection…


I was almost doored yesterday in North Chicago. Managed to avoid the door and the SUV that was passing at the same time. Not bad maneuvering for a 60 year old on a long wheel base recumbent.


Makes me want to replace my headlight with an 800 megawatt laser and a train diesel horn. (Power supply is a problem, but I can dream.


From now on, if there are parked cars, I'm taking the lane. Out of consideration for others, I usually don't. To hell with that. I've been almost dead twice now, not counting near misses like this one.


I don't think the FCC will pull their license, but they might fine them and get the meatheads off the air.

Perhaps contacting Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds (the authors of "Tank McNamara" comic would be a good idea. They tend to be mercilessly acerbic.

The podcast may be found here:



A very rough transcription:

02:12:17 [conversation on bike shorts]

Little Anthony Weiner, here (laughter) going to the left (laughter)

No, that was something else.



02:14:48 …on the Chicago Tribune Breaking News website…

What is it?

It’s right here… You want me to read it?

Bring it on.


No, it’s not a story we broke, maybe we prompted the story to be broken.

I see. Let’s hear it.

A crackdown near downtown Chicago on bicyclists running red lights and disobeying other traffic laws led to dozens of warnings and at least one ticket Tuesday morning, that’s this morning.

02:15:18 How about a door prize for someone next time he drives by you?

Yea, the result of …  investigation…

Yeah, sorry about that door, it just flung open when you were speeding down the street….


02:15:37 Guess what? There was this guy in front of me on the bike path on the lake front signaling in front of me

That’s cool

And making a left, I’m like, hey, good for you.

Long as that guy’s following the same rules and regulations that the cars and the drivers and the vehicles are following because they want the same rights.

I obey all the laws, because I don’t want to get smashed.

02:15:55 Just be honest with me. You guys, haven’t you, I’m not going to say you felt so angry some time that you wanted to swerve your car into one of these guys… that’s not what I’m saying… But have you just ever wanted to for you know what’s and giggles given them the door prize? As they go flying by ya’, ya’ open up the door and watch ‘em go fallin’ over the top of your car…

Is that your number one pet peeve?

[conversation turns to keying cars]


Podcast does not delete, conversation begins 02:12:17 (not the three hour mark). See post of rough transcription.

David Barish said:

Why bother contacting them directly? Write straight to the FCC. Pull their show, pull their license.




I think this is an overreaction.  I suspect few of us actually heard what was said. I did not. As mentioned, the podcast deletes it and that is probably a good thing. I don't know the context. I don't know if its complete neanderthal- kill the cyclists, or simply stupid overreaction to an event on the road generalizing a desire to hurt us from the actions of a particular party he encountered. I rarely listen to the show but find that Waddle and Giancreco are usually more mature than many others in the radiosphere.  I would love to hear what actually transpired. Either way, the thread here is correct- we should let them know this is not just foolish but dangerous talk.  However, its sports radio.  It is what it is and successful hosts say challenging, and often stupid things. That's their job.  I think sending them informatiton on a particular ghost bike where a poor sould was killed by being doored may open even the most reactionary person's eyes.  Robert took the teaching moment and I applaud him.

The comments in question are at the 2:13:ish mark on the 6/7 podcast.  They start with bike short jokes, then go on to talk about the Kinzie bike path and related police ticketing bikers, make the jokes about dooring in retaliation, then go on to condemn keying cars.  I've written in with my complaint, I think a lot of drivers have no idea that dooring throws people under cars. Gah.

I wrote this to them.  Nothing as fancy as you Joe, but they can add me to the one more pissed list.


"Tom Waddle and Mark Giangreco made "jokes" about bicycles getting doored on your show.  I was doored.  I was thrown off my bike, broke my finger and wrist as well as various strains and contusions.  I am deeply offended not only by the jokes but their suggestion to door bicyclists intentionally.  Let me make it clear that it was Tom Waddle and Mark Giangreco and NOT Mark Silverman.  They went on and on about it for several minutes.  The next thing they will joke about and suggest that their listeners do could be hitting pedestrians with their cars.  What kind of sick person would suggest that!  People have DIED because they were doored.  I won't ever listen to them again."

For what?  Saying something you disagree with?

Nancy L. Fagin said:

Why bother contacting them directly?  Write straight to the FCC.  Pull their show, pull their license.




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