I've been hearing rumors that North Avenue Beach was closed do to out of control thugs  and gangbangers groping and assaulting people, not due to heat, as has been widely reported.  Rumors of cyclists knocked from their bikes... I know a few cyclists were picked up and dropped in the lake by some thugs early last month. The sources are somewhat suspect, but I wanted to know if anyone had heard or experienced anything.  Generally my least favorite part of the trail, but I'm debating whether to avoid it completely this summer. As the CPD is undergoing regime change, we should be diligent about reporting incidents like this, even if front-line CPD staff are dismissive... so that resources get allotted appropriately.

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Horses have hoses...

I saw the ATV patrols too.


So just avoid weekends and holidays, head to Edgewater or Rogers Park MYOB and have fun at the beach.



There was a pretty large police presence on LFP south of the museum campus, I ran into quite a few bike cops and suvs patrolling the path.  So it looks like they're taking things at least somewhat seriously.

The police should also be monitering the points of entry tO the beach.


Red line stops at Chicago Ave. Ave. Division/North

Blue line Grand Ave.

North Ave. bus directly to the beach intersecting with Red, Blue lines.


Red and Blue run 24/7 so don't get lost in your I-pad/phone or wear your earbuds. Pay attention! and be safe peoples.

TV news tonight reported two more of these assaults around UIC. One was at Racine and Roosevelt and the other nearby.
There have been assaults and robberies near UIC fairly frequently over the last year.  Many of them have gotten little or no press coverage, but I've heard about them through campus alerts because I've been taking classes through UIC.

Vando said:
TV news tonight reported two more of these assaults around UIC. One was at Racine and Roosevelt and the other nearby.
Yes, it has been happening and, yes, you should report criminal activity or suspected activity every single time that you see it.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease....
The Trib ran three good columns today about these attacks and the big picture:  John Kass, Dawn Turner Trice, and Mary Schmich.  All three are worth reading and considering.
I think that would bring some bad memories of what happend in the '60's. Im sure that you have seen fotage of that somewhere. Those were peacefull protesters though.

Melanie said:
I wonder if fire hosing the hooligans would actually work?  Just a thought. 

James Baum said:
I read this as "hose patrol" at first...
I really like how Kass' article highlighted this behavior as nothing new, just happening in a different place.  The acceptance when violence of this magnitude occurs on the far south side is really a reflection of the true chicago, and not just the picture painted for tourists and well off residents. 

Anne Alt said:
The Trib ran three good columns today about these attacks and the big picture:  John Kass, Dawn Turner Trice, and Mary Schmich.  All three are worth reading and considering.
It isn't anything new.  Chicago is a scary place.  If only I could talk my wife into moving back to Madison with me i'd be all set.  Logan Square isn't too bad but the petty crime is a bit much at times.  I miss being in a civilized city where you could actually leave your door unlocked for 10 minutes without having some passerby trying it.  It's kind of ridiculous here.   I won't even get into the amount of filth and garbage floating around.  It's not quite as bad as New York at least -but compared to Madison it's like living in a landfill.    That's something I just can never get used to.

Liz said:
I really like how Kass' article highlighted this behavior as nothing new, just happening in a different place.  The acceptance when violence of this magnitude occurs on the far south side is really a reflection of the true chicago, and not just the picture painted for tourists and well off residents. 

Anne Alt said:
The Trib ran three good columns today about these attacks and the big picture:  John Kass, Dawn Turner Trice, and Mary Schmich.  All three are worth reading and considering.


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