I saw the ATV patrols too.
So just avoid weekends and holidays, head to Edgewater or Rogers Park MYOB and have fun at the beach.
The police should also be monitering the points of entry tO the beach.
Red line stops at Chicago Ave. Ave. Division/North
Blue line Grand Ave.
North Ave. bus directly to the beach intersecting with Red, Blue lines.
Red and Blue run 24/7 so don't get lost in your I-pad/phone or wear your earbuds. Pay attention! and be safe peoples.
TV news tonight reported two more of these assaults around UIC. One was at Racine and Roosevelt and the other nearby.
I wonder if fire hosing the hooligans would actually work? Just a thought.
James Baum said:I read this as "hose patrol" at first...
The Trib ran three good columns today about these attacks and the big picture: John Kass, Dawn Turner Trice, and Mary Schmich. All three are worth reading and considering.
I really like how Kass' article highlighted this behavior as nothing new, just happening in a different place. The acceptance when violence of this magnitude occurs on the far south side is really a reflection of the true chicago, and not just the picture painted for tourists and well off residents.
Anne Alt said:The Trib ran three good columns today about these attacks and the big picture: John Kass, Dawn Turner Trice, and Mary Schmich. All three are worth reading and considering.
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