I don't have to ride into the loop much, but each time I do, I find the grated bridges to be the source of some anxiety, in wet and icy conditions like these in particular.  Slippery!   

Since the city does some nice things by cyclists, I think the powers that be might be receptive to a reasonable fix to make the bridges a little less treacherous.  

I'm envisioning some kind of treatment to create a bike lane that is not so slick, but I don't know what.  Any ideas?  

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If you're entering the Loop from the west, Harrison St. has a concrete-filled grid in the bike lane.

Wider tires.   


That is the fix.  The streets are not the velodrome and riding around on skinny-tired  race bikes have their major disadvantages.  

Kathy plates are downright DANGEROUS to everyone regardless of their tire widths because they get slick because of condensation since the wide steel plates can not breathe.  The concrete-filled ones aren't much better.  Get decent road tires and leave the skinny race tires to the track so the rest of us don't have to pay the price of slippery BS silly "fixes" that make the bridges less safe.  The grates are nothing on a normal tire that is wider than 1". 


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