My bike slipped off a flight of stairs this morning as I was carrying it down. We had a frozen rain last night. VERY slick and slippery on side streets. Main streets are a bit better, although you should ride very carefully today. Weather is a bit warmer, so it is a nice fresh chill!!

I didn't fall today, so I am counting my lucky stars!

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Thanks Ammo- These updates are great. I slipped 3 times walking on the sidewalk.
I just saw abunch of massers pass my work. they didn't look miserable. I'm about to find out in 10 minutes myself when I leave work.
I had no problem getting down to Microcenter for some stuff earlier.

Broadway/Halsted was fine (started at Devon), same with Fullerton and Elston.

Bryn Mawr was also good - Broadway to Sheridan.

However, the sidewalk can inspire some dancing (and not with or on the bike) and taking a lane is sometimes necessary because the bike lane is all snowed in.
I rode tonight at 8:30pm to work (I'm a bartender) and home at 2am in this unusually balmy weather and though wet and puddly, it was nice to be out! I was in the car lane most of the time as most of the parked cars were well into the bike lane. I hope the snow doesn't pile on again. The cold I can do, it's the dense snow and ice that I can't.
There's a lot of clean but damp pavement out there now. Just watch carefully for remaining ice patches. Those are extra slippery when covered with water.
i've been out in seattle the last few days, but i did totally bite it working on xmas eve. daley's new budget cuts suck! i used to hate all the salt eating up my drivetrain, but now i truly miss it.
Took my road bike out tonight, it was amazing!!! I miss you, sweet little racer...
I know that Chicago has done budget cuts...but some of it has to be attributed to the high gas prices of the summer...they simply have no money left.

I live in Hammond IN (I'm 15 minutes from south Chicago) and the roads are cruddy too...
Jessica said:

I live in Hammond IN (I'm 15 minutes from south Chicago) and the roads are cruddy too...

hah, me too. im guessing someone made out really well selling that salt at $100/ton earlier this year.
Rode from Park Ridge to the city today and couldn't stop smiling! Elston and almost all other roads were in good condition
h3 said:
Jessica said:
I know that Chicago has done budget cuts...but some of it has to be attributed to the high gas prices of the summer...they simply have no money left.

I live in Hammond IN (I'm 15 minutes from south Chicago) and the roads are cruddy too...

There are several factors. Pretending for a moment that there's no waste or misappropriation in Chicago city government, and that all employees were chosen for their qualifications and excellent work ethic, the largest is probably decreased tax revenues (these depend on people buying and selling goods, services, property, and less of that is happening). Didn't help that Blago forced the city to foot the bill for seniors and disabled riders getting free access to CTA, although I don't know whether that's just a drop in the bucket.

I think the biggest finance/tax issue is TIF funding. There are so many TIFs in chicago right now that they siphoned off somewhere around $400-500 million in tax revenue to funds that alderman get to allocate pretty much however they want. Some of it is used for important stuff but quite a bit probably isn't and it's all cash that's not going to the general tax fund.

They tagged us pretty hard too. Luckily the recent assessment was lower than last year. Eesh.


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