A friend sent me this image and asked me who it was.

I thought I'd see how long it took the Chainlink to come through with a positive ID.

Start the clock. . .

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If you meet him, ask him if he's from Beverly.  If it's the same guy, he had plenty of places around here to practice on railroad crossings.
So what has it been, 9 days and 4+ hours and nobody knows who this guy is yet?

Maybe it's Paul Roots or someone he knows.


No clue who, but I have seen him in Glencoe on Sheridan haulin' ass.

There are two unicyclists in the area, that I've seen. The only one I know by name is Steven Breese. He runs a trail development database and lives in the NW burbs. Here's a link with his pic:



Geez, he really gets around!

Charlie Didrickson said:

No clue who, but I have seen him in Glencoe on Sheridan haulin' ass.

I think this one is the positive ID. :-)


That only took how long?

Greg Valent said:

There are two unicyclists in the area, that I've seen. The only one I know by name is Steven Breese. He runs a trail development database and lives in the NW burbs. Here's a link with his pic:



Is a unicycle more energy efficient in terms of caloric count than a bike?

Is this a confirmation?  Hard to recognize a face but that is not a 36"er.


No, most unicyclists are not more efficient than a bike rider but like I said before, "It beats walking."


BTW - nice weights...  power unicycling?

just previewed that link.  I want a huge wheel now.  very cool.
It doesn't look like the same guy to me either.

Hey everybody, sorry I had no idea this discussion was going on.  It is me!  The first picture, that is, on the 36" wheel.  It sounds like most of these "sightings" are correct; I live in Pilsen and have been training for long distances on the LFT.  On Monday morning I am leaving on my unicycle for Iowa City, with the same backpack you see in the picture.  I will be couchsurfing on two nights and camping (bivy sack) on the other nights.  I'm planning for 50 miles a day, so probably 5 days of riding.  It's a solo trip for now, but hit me up if you want to join me!  I'm serious!

Oh, and I know I've said this before, but if you ride a unicycle please send me a message so we can go riding sometime.


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