Does anyone commute both with bicycle and car? Have you noticed that since you started biking your driving has become better and you've become more aware? I'm a "newbie", I guess, and ever since I've started riding, I've noticed that as a motorist, I'm much more aware of the bike lane, if there are any bikers in the bike lane, if I'm parking and have to cross the bike lane - checking to see if any bikers are close, opening my car door, etc. I guess it's just another advantage of picking up a bike! Also, does anyone else think that the cell phone rule should apply to bikers as well? I hate when I see motorists on the phone, but I've had some almost run ins with bikers that were on the phone and not paying attention as well... anyone?

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On my bike I ease through stops when I'm sure there is no cross-traffic.  Found myself doing this in my car a couple of times.  Not a good cross-over.


Dhruv said:

I bike and I find that its more disturbing that cyclist have earbuds on while biking or using cell phones.  Its just plain stupid.  I bike and drive, and I can say that when I bike, I want to make sure I hear everything around me and not be distracted.  With bicycles, any slight accident could be fatal.


I find it disturbing for exactly the same reason.


And the new law with not being on cell phone doesn't work.  Police aren't enforcing this, or it doesn't seem like it.  75% of drivers I see are on their phones.  Which brings me to another question, why the f* do we need to talk so much???

Good questions. Why aren't we seeing more enforcement? And why do people feel compelled to spend so much time talking on cell phones when they're riding, walking or driving? I see plenty of each become so absorbed in their conversations that they utterly fail to see or react to hazardous situations.
THE VICTIM SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER AND IT'S THEIR FAULT! (Sorry I'm late. What's this all about now?)

About 10 years ago when I was living in the motor city I would drive during the week and park it Friday night and bike wherever I needed to go on weekends. It sure does give you both sides of the coin. As far as being a better driver? I guess so but most of my driving,including Chicago, would be on the freeway/ Lake Shore/Sheridan and other roads like that so... not too many bikes there.

To the lovely lady on the box bike with the two sleepy co-pilots.  It was very nice to meet you and to chat at ccm and I look forward to seeing you at the brunch!

Yes, awareness. I've always maintained that anyone getting a driver's license should also successfully complete simulator sessions as a cyclist and as a bus or truck driver. I think they would find such an exercise rather revelatory. And if it brings the price of a driver's license to a much higher level, so be it.

In the same vein, I also think CPD officers should all be strongly encouraged to do at least one stint on the CPD bike patrol. Maybe make that compulsory for rookies. 


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