A friend sent me this image and asked me who it was.

I thought I'd see how long it took the Chainlink to come through with a positive ID.

Start the clock. . .

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The unicyclist or the guy trying to door him?
I was thinking the same thing.

Moc Artsy said:
The unicyclist or the guy trying to door him?
Ask him who he is next time you see him. :)

Serge Lubomudrov said:
I saw this unicyclist twice today on the LFT. Don't know him though.

Nuts to him.


What I'm wondering is who's the guy I saw riding the electric-assist unicycle on Wacker Dr. (sidewalk) on Thursday.


Now there's a freak.

I have seen him around.  The wheel looks even bigger in person.  Looks almost like a Penny Farthing hen you see him coming but when he passes you can see that there is no farthing behind him.
This looks like a kid I used to see on a unicycle regularly in my 'hood.  After he got proficient at it, he'd cruise up and down Longwood Drive.  Haven't seen him in a while, so I assumed that he moved out of the neighborhood.  Unfortunately, I don't know his name.
He must be everywhere. I saw him on that really warm Sunday a couple of weeks ago crossing Damen at North Av. Our white whale!
I talked to him briefly last month(same warm sunday as the last poster) when he was resting at the north end of the trail.  Didn't get his name, but he's a nice guy, go say hi!

a guy on RAGBRAI last year had that same setup (the seat opens up to a small comparment for storage).

Actually - that kind of looks like the guy from RAGBRAI in fact. I was waiting for Aaron at a gas station

to buy some Sparks and he rolled up and I was pretty impressed.

He was heading west on Cullerton at Sangamon in Pilsen Saturday afternoon.  There are some rough railroad tracks there and I was impressed by how deftly he rode over them.
Photo taken by miniature black helicopter..
beats walking. looks fast.


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