For anyone who's riding back home this evening, please be careful. For the first time in 3 winters, I opted to grab a ride from a co-worker than ride the bike home. We went Montrose to Ashland, then north on Ashland to the Jewel by Bryn Mawr. And not one swath could I see as being bikeable. I had to walk myself and the bike back to my apartment by Glenwood and Ridge, falling on my ass twice.

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Don- another way to get a picture up is to click on "add an image" (the icon second farthest to the right above the thread box ) instead of add attachment, fyi. The add an image will show the picture in the thread with your text.

Don Sorsa said:
Eight of us rode on the Bloomingdale Trail for an hour or so. One of the snow cyclists rode 5 miles from the south loop to The Handlebar just to get on the ride! Where there's a will...

Thom said:
jamimaria said:
I made it home okay. I took Wells up to Lincoln and Lincoln all the way to Lincoln Square. I found that biking in the lane worked really well for me. For the most part I could go as fast as the cars since they were going so slow.

I probably left work at about 6:15 and made it home at 8....though I did stop along the way and do some Christmas shopping.

However, I do hope that a little plowing is done....though I"m thinking that the bike lane probably won't be plowed and cars won't be as patient when I have to take the lane.

I met someone named Jami(e?) last night, and she told me about the chainlink. I was riding my Xtracycle down Lincoln, loaded down with a huge plastic bin full of books - good extra weight in back to help minimize fishtailing. Fortunately, I made it to the bar in time...

That was me! I was wondering if you made it okay cause I didn't see you later. I spent a lot of time stuck in traffic. Welcome to the Chainlink!
Where did you enter the trail? I've been meaning to check it out. I hear it's pretty rideable even though nothing has been done to it so far(construction-wse, not plowing)

Don Sorsa said:
Eight of us rode on the Bloomingdale Trail for an hour or so. One of the snow cyclists rode 5 miles from the south loop to The Handlebar just to get on the ride! Where there's a will...
We will shoo t for going on the trail northwest of Milwaukee and Leavitt but there are other places as well: anywhere without a super steep incline. Getting off the trail can be a problem but we found a place and climbed down without injuries.

There was snow on the ground - duh - and nothing had been plowed but there were no cars no pedestrians no traffic lights so personal pedal power determined distance and speed. The bridges over streets were covered with ice so we walked through those short stretches, or fell! I enjoyed the ride and look forward to returning, but I am always looking for any excuse/reason to ride my bike.

Floating snowflakes, the susurrus of wheels, the cold crispness - what do ya want for a Chicago winter, eh?

Where did you enter the trail? I've been meaning to check it out. I hear it's pretty rideable even though nothing has been done to it so far(construction-wse, not plowing)
Today seemed much better on the roads. Minimal slipping, just riding through slush mainly. It is chilly out though!!
Ammo said:
Today seemed much better on the roads. Minimal slipping, just riding through slush mainly. It is chilly out though!!

Things got better just in time for another winter storm. Gotta love this weather.

Not being from here, is this "Winter Storm Warning" definitely worth heeding? I mean, look at it outside! kinda pretty for a winter day, no? And there don't seem to be any clouds in the region (according to the weather channel's radar). Even my Chicagoan co-workers are starting to scoff at the warning.
In chicago, don't believe anything until you see it.
27 years here and they still don't get it right. It is way too unpredictable.
Always be prepared though. just revised the forecast from 7" - 11" down to 4" - 8", starting after 9PM.

Built this just for tonight...
my beast!
hhhoooo wee!! Dem are some PHAT tires.

Ron said:

Built this just for tonight...
my beast!
thanks, now I just wish it would start snowing already..

Ammo said:
hhhoooo wee!! Dem are some PHAT tires.

Ron said:

Built this just for tonight...
my beast!


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