Why on Earth Would You Pay Attention to Rebecca Black?

So Rebecca Black has 2 threads in the main forum and 1 in Kiddical Mass as I post this. And really i can only ask why over and over?

Is the Chainlink mainly made up of 13yr old girls? Is everyone on Chainlink hearing impaired? Does everyone here really love putrid music?

And how is it being debated that it sends a pro-car message? As much as we rail against cars all it shows is kids sitting in a car. That does happen in reality.

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People do what they enjoy.


It seems that people enjoy talking about this horrible train-wreck of a video.


More power to them!

Stop figting it Gabe,  jump on board the Rebecca Black bandwagon!  You know you want to.

Is it too late for this:

Gabe, I closed the main "Friday" discussion already, but your re-starting the thread

and getting over 30 responses makes it obvious that Chainlinkers love to talk about

Rebecca Black. Obviously there's something intriguing about her video.


I am officially stepping out of the debate now, but for a good cause I just want

to remind people that fellow Chainlinker Aaron Busse and I will be performing

"Friday" at Quenchers this Friday at a benefit for Darwin Elementary School:



Lastly, as proof that underneath all the Autotune Rebecca Black actually has

a very pretty singing voice, check this video of her singing the "Friday" acoustically:



See you on Friday, Friday!


- John Greenfield

Rebecca Black is an easy target because she is young rich and talentless.  She pisses off all the not so young, not rich, talented people because they want to be in her position eg: having your work seen by millions of people.


I think it is fascinating.  I think there is a lot of story here about exploitation of youth and their capital, what values we seek and embrace as a media hungry populace, the struggle and disdain by the outgoing generation vs. the generation that takes their place and who has the right to have a voice in today's world.


Finally... It is a catchy tune.


Thanks for all the Rebecca Black threads.  I love you all.



You added one to the total thread count, right?

Gabe said:

Hehehehehe yep -i'm the one bitching. :-) the subject of this whole post is the question and iggi has come closest to addressing it. why r we paying attention to Garbage?

I was pointing out that there were multiple threads addressing this Garbage and could not for the life of me understand why. it has no value but what we assign it. it's not pro-car. they r in a car. and everything that has a car in it is not against bikes.

everything else in the thread is junk and funny cept for your angry rants that i wanna eat the rich. where's my bbq sauce? :-)
While I might not 100% agree, I think you have fleshed-out some interesting and thought-provoking theories here.  But what do I know. I'm just angry ;)

jlj said:

Rebecca Black is an easy target because she is young rich and talentless.  She pisses off all the not so young, not rich, talented people because they want to be in her position eg: having your work seen by millions of people.


I think it is fascinating.  I think there is a lot of story here about exploitation of youth and their capital, what values we seek and embrace as a media hungry populace, the struggle and disdain by the outgoing generation vs. the generation that takes their place and who has the right to have a voice in today's world.


Finally... It is a catchy tune.


Thanks for all the Rebecca Black threads.  I love you all.



I hear the Liar Tour tomorrow night will be a Rebeca Black theme. 

I am going to scrape together the $10,000 entry fee.


Friday  Friday  Friday

Rebbecca Black for president!
Same here.  Thanks Howard and Ed.

Gabe said:
ed, i just threw up all over myself! :-)



Article II, Section 1:  
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Just sayin'


Jason W said:

Rebbecca Black for president!


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