1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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when hearing a squeaky drivetrain makes you sigh.
this thread is awesome!
18) When you have a full change of clothes, shoes, and toiletries stashed at work just for "those" days.
This is one of my faves.

Bike Bloke said:
...you get to work refreshed, alert, bright and breezy while your co-workers grope half awake for the coffee pot.
19)When you seriously consider having 'that mark' tattooed on your right calf.
20) you keep trying to unlock your front door with your U-lock key

I find it interesting it took till the 2nd page to list this one...

I think that may be food for thought.


H3N3 said:

20) You ride a bicycle.
I see I'm not the only one who's went for the U-lock key at the house door.

lauren sailor said:
20) you keep trying to unlock your front door with your U-lock key

Doug, you party pooper. 


Sounds like Julie needs to change the subject to 'You Know You're Obsessed With Cycling When..."

notoriousDUG said:

I find it interesting it took till the 2nd page to list this one...

I think that may be food for thought.


H3N3 said:

20) You ride a bicycle.
you have to move more bikes than chairs when mopping the floor.

22) You hesitate crossing the street to walk the wrong way down a one way.


(# 21 was John Sirovatka's, he just forgot to count.....)

John Sirovatka said:
you have to move more bikes than chairs when mopping the floor.
23) Your roommates can't believe you can sit and talk about bikes for 2 hours and not even yawn.


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