Following yesterday's Trib piece about doorings, it occurred to me that it may be a good idea for an email alert to be sent out to chainlinkers on articles concerning us so that we can get comments and votes in to the comments section in a timely manner while the piece is still hot. whaddayathink?

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This might be a good idea as long as we stay on point with the actual topic of the article. Keep in mind that any posting on a newspaper article is like crossing a river on a suspension bridge with loads of trolls nipping at your feet.
Newspaper websites with garbage comment fields are that way because no one at the newspaper cares about them. (Take a look at the comments on an article for the WSJ or the NYT and note the difference between what they have and what the Trib has; the difference isn't that their readers are that much smarter.) Point being you're not going to affect any reporters or editors this way (you might with direct emails) and as far as reaching the public you'd be better off taking part in some kind of real life activity like going to a ward meeting.

Davo said:

"Keep in mind that any posting on a newspaper article is like crossing a river on a suspension bridge with loads of trolls nipping at your feet."

NOM!!! NOM!!! NOM!!!



but in all serious Id rather see peoples efforts be spent on things that can make a difference. A good idea but i think directing it towards real life events, meetings, gatherings, etc...

I agree.  Let's work for positive change and for positive news coverage on those efforts.

H3N3 said:
Would rather see people get involved in real-life efforts to push the envelope than whittle away the hours futilely feeding these news sites with additional hits and rewarding "journalists" for finding the most divisive, controversial angle.  Just ignore the comments and your life will be better.
The last time I tried to intelligently respond to a news story on cycling and give a cyclist's perspective, I was vehemently attacked by all sorts of illiterates that apparently only see cyclists as target practice. I gave up trying to comment on these articles as all it seems to do is feed the trolls.  Even when a person tries to be neutral or word a comment in the least inflammatory way possible, the trolls will bash that comment down and bury it in their own feces.

Yeah, I hear you guys. Once I start reading the comments though, it's hard to let ignorant motorist hater comments go without reply. 


Dr. Doom: you are right too, about the quality of commenters and/or moderators in better publications. I notice that a lot in 'The Guardian' (based in London), which I read most days.


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