I ride from Wrigleyville. I've done a bunch of long road bike rides from here.

Also, looking to do more mountain biking (I don't have a car.)

But I get lonley on the long rides. I don't know any cyclists around Chicago.

last weekend I went from Wrigleyville to the Wisconsin border and back.

I'm looking to do some and whole bunch of training in April.


Any groups?

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check out chicagobikeracing.com and look on the  rides list

also see chicagocyclingclub.org for casual and training rides

Also check out the Randonneurs group and the pick up group. You can also post a ride on the calendar and if you are lucky people will come!
The Chicago Cycling Club may have some rides that interest you. http://www.chicagocyclingclub.org/CCCRideSchedule.htm
Team Judson on Saturday and Sunday and holiday mornings. A lot of local racers and former racers and other guys who just want to go fast. http://www.teamjudson.com/index.shtml
It goes out at a normal pace then goes fast, the "classic ride" is a bunch of us grey haired types who go off the back in winnetka and is still a great intermediate ride. I tried to keep up with the young-uns saturday it was crazy fast and started with about 40 guys. I got blasted off the back like so much feces off a race horse. There were only about 20 left going fast. But then, I found some other guys who got dropped and we got a good 40 miler in. Warning it is mostly guys... I think there were 5 women at the start.
Are you interested in racing? There's xXx on saturday (http://xxxracing.org/) and half acre (http://halfacrecycling.org/)

The Chicagoland bicycle group also have a bunch, but a lot of rides start out in the suburbs, so it's often inconvenient to get to without a car.
If you ever feel like riding south, let me know.  I've done a ride to Schererville, IN a couple times.  Its only about a 50 mile round trip from the south side of the city.
Come out and ride with Chicago Cycling Club.  Our season kick-off ride is this Sunday.

Rob, I like the Idea of riding South. I have no idea what the roads are like there. I just rode North to the Wisco border last weekend. It was all right, lots of starts and stops, one rough looking neighborhood. Mostly big houses that normal people can't afford.

However, I think Anne's idea of joining up with the Chicago Cycling club seems best for Saturday. Weather permitting. It will be nice to hook up with a group.


BTW, I had the mountain bike out this AM and wrecked on the ice just east of the Planetarium. Ouch, be careful people on the lake shore path.


Mike, here's a link to the route south I've taken.  http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/21845334  When I last went that way, the roads weren't too bad once you got out of the city of Chicago.


CCC's rides are nice, well organized, and very friendly.  I rode with them a few times on the weekend last year.  I was mostly a fan of the Monday and Wednesday night rides.  Much faster pace - which I prefer. 

Looks like you stay on the path, get into some badlands for a while, then open up when you clear the city.

I'd like to do that ride with you sometime.

I'l start off with just a group ride. I don't think I'm he-man enough to cop an attitude and only ride with the fast guys. Let me get my confidence and ego boosted for before I make a commitment that could have me slipping off the back of a pelleton.

I'm glad someone hipped me to this website. It seems like there are a lot of riders out there looking for people to cycle with.

Mike Tobin said:

Looks like you stay on the path, get into some badlands for a while, then open up when you clear the city.

That route is a lot better than it looks since South Shore Drive to Indianapolis has almost no stoplights. Its a pretty quick way out of the city. Of course going that way and not stopping at 3Floyds in Munster confuses me.
I'm not quite in shape to handle the Wednesday night rides yet this season.  The guys are pretty serious and they do drop people (not maliciously).  Monday night rides are slower, more geared towards newbies, and no-drop.  Let me know when you feel like making a weekend ride to Schererville.  Mornings are usually best for me.

Mike Tobin said:

Looks like you stay on the path, get into some badlands for a while, then open up when you clear the city.

I'd like to do that ride with you sometime.

I'l start off with just a group ride. I don't think I'm he-man enough to cop an attitude and only ride with the fast guys. Let me get my confidence and ego boosted for before I make a commitment that could have me slipping off the back of a pelleton.

I'm glad someone hipped me to this website. It seems like there are a lot of riders out there looking for people to cycle with.


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