Anyone else doing this race this year?

It's on April 16th:

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I'd like to, but I'd like to find out the distance and more details.
It's a 10 mike loop done 5 times...

8vPete said:
I'd like to, but I'd like to find out the distance and more details.

I wish I could, had a great (but difficult!) ride last year.


Looks like the Cat 5's are closed... Still room in the 4/5 masters though...

Distances and registration for all categories are here:


The course is a lot of "farm roads" with crushed and loose gravel but still rideable with 23-28c tires on a road bike.  It is a tough race, but very classic in design like some of the ones you see on TV like Paris-Roubaix and other spring classics.


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