I love to see all these people on bikes on my way home from work. Everyday its like a little parade down Milwaukee ave. Inevitably, I pass most of the other cyclists. But at the next light, everyone i just passed piles up in front of me, taking up the crosswalk and extending into the street. Then i have to pass them all over again. This is annoying.

Other things that bug me on the crowed commute: passing on the right, riding abreast with me when i don't know you, drafting, passive aggressive bell ringing, swerving.

I'm not really a grouch, and i enjoy the sort of laissez-faire nature of bike commuting, but this stuff annoys me.

So is there a good way to bring this up on the ride, without sounding like an ass?

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My favourite is when I am going in the same direction as some slowpoke, and they jump lights (I don't). So I pass them then I hit a light, the slowpoke catches up but crosses before me, and the light changes, and then I have to pass them again. I then repeat this sequence every time I hit a light until I final lose them.

Word 2 slowpokes: going more than 10mph will get you there faster than breaking the law.
With you there. Slower riders always pull up to stop lights and pull in front of me even though I just passed them. I don't know what is going through their minds when they do that. But yeah, it's annoying. Almost as annoying as getting stuck on a narrow street not able to pass someone who is riding at a speed I could beat on foot.

*repeats chant: more bikes good, more bikes good*
Please stop the trolling V.D., this is meant to be a constructive forum.

What i was getting at was a lack of etiquette between riders. I mean, how am i supposed to know the experience of whoever is drafting me? I don't want them to be practicing their drafting skills while behind me unless i know or trust them. Their visibility is impaired (can't see potholes, pedestrians, etc), and i have to worry about braking too fast. Plus, do I get a turn drafting them at the next light or what?
what exactly is ridiculous? can you illustrate your point without insulting me?
I take the same route just about everyday and I have the timing of the lights memorized. I try to not have to stop on my ride so I do end up being passed and then passing other riders who go fast ahead of me. Sometimes I wonder why riders do that. Are those people doing some kind of interval training?

I rarely do the whole light jumping maneuver at lights since I usually manage to get to them as they are changing.

Another thing I see a lot is people weaving in and out of the parking lane. I often want to say something, but those people are usually wearing headphones.
jamimaria said:
I take the same route just about everyday and I have the timing of the lights memorized. I try to not have to stop on my ride so I do end up being passed and then passing other riders who go fast ahead of me. Sometimes I wonder why riders do that. Are those people doing some kind of interval training?

I rarely do the whole light jumping maneuver at lights since I usually manage to get to them as they are changing.

Another thing I see a lot is people weaving in and out of the parking lane. I often want to say something, but those people are usually wearing headphones.

Do you have Milwaukee lights memorized? What is your secret because I would like to know your pace?
Do you have Milwaukee lights memorized? What is your secret because I would like to know your pace? Nope, I go down Lincoln from Lawrence to Welles onto downtown. If I hit all the lights I can make it in about half an hour. If I take it really easy, it's 40 minutes.

Generally the fastest I have to go is 18 miles an hour. I'd say that my average pace is about 14 mph.
Kevin Mulcky said:
Please stop the trolling V.D., this is meant to be a constructive forum.
What i was getting at was a lack of etiquette between riders. I mean, how am i supposed to know the experience of whoever is drafting me? I don't want them to be practicing their drafting skills while behind me unless i know or trust them. Their visibility is impaired (can't see potholes, pedestrians, etc), and i have to worry about braking too fast. Plus, do I get a turn drafting them at the next light or what?

Etiquette in a paceline states that you pull to the left when braking, does it not?

Or is it right? Damn, I can never remember.

[edit: Not specifically, but a physical sign does help. from this.]
I'm sure i could hug and kiss a little more
Raising the dead (threads)

I bitched out a guy on a scooter this morning.... Stay the hell out of the bike lane if you dont have pedals, and your making the bikes behind you slow down. Is it not proper etiquette to yell and bitch if you see something wrong?
I had a kind of weird thing happen yesterday. On both legs of the commute, everybody in proximity seemed to feel like it was a race. If I passed someone, it all of a sudden became a paceline, and no one was willing to be passed. At lights and slower stretches, folks would desperately try to race ahead, and the dumb game began anew.

I truly couldn't care less, so I left the testosterone surge to those who were more capable of dealing with it.
i constantly yell at the salmon


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