Kind of an odd ratio there.

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...and for the people who fear that not enough people care and they're just trying to drum up interest.

notoriousDUG said:


Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.



No, that's what Chianlink is for.

Kevin Conway said:
...and for the people who fear that not enough people care and they're just trying to drum up interest.

notoriousDUG said:


Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.



ITT: People judge others for using twitter. 


It says something about you, no offense, if you feel the compelling need in a twitter thread to state that you don't use twitter and go on the reasons why. Maybe all it is saying is that you must post in every ... single ... thread.


Next thread you can state why you don't ride unicycles and give the undertone that people who do are somehow missing the basic connections of normal sociality.


Never. Stop. Posting.



At least I get more than 140 characters everywhere else.

Maybe my real gripe is that Twitters short form of expression does not allow me to show the world how truly well developed and deep my thoughts really are.

Or I could be a crabby old man; either or.



Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

ITT: People judge others for using twitter. 


It says something about you, no offense, if you feel the compelling need in a twitter thread to state that you don't use twitter and go on the reasons why. Maybe all it is saying is that you must post in every ... single ... thread.


Next thread you can state why you don't ride unicycles and give the undertone that people who do are somehow missing the basic connections of normal sociality.


Never. Stop. Posting.



Would you just admit that you feel like you'd be cheating on your Facebook account if you used Twitter?  Aren't you way overdue for a Facebook status update?


notoriousDUG said:



At least I get more than 140 characters everywhere else.

Maybe my real gripe is that Twitters short form of expression does not allow me to show the world how truly well developed and deep my thoughts really are.

Or I could be a crabby old man; either or.



Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

ITT: People judge others for using twitter. 


It says something about you, no offense, if you feel the compelling need in a twitter thread to state that you don't use twitter and go on the reasons why. Maybe all it is saying is that you must post in every ... single ... thread.


Next thread you can state why you don't ride unicycles and give the undertone that people who do are somehow missing the basic connections of normal sociality.


Never. Stop. Posting.

"You Bastard! You've summoned the Fail Whale!"

notoriousDUG said:

When I feel the need to join the group rising up against the dictators of 'merica I'll get right on joining Twitter, if Facebook doesn't work...


Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.


Kevin Conway said:

...and Egyptian revolutionaries.

notoriousDUG said:
Because Twitter is for twats.
How many of us know that Chainlink was on Twitter?  Not many, I'll bet.

That SuperNews video is hilarious. However, it is not the entire picture. Twitter has become a fully customizable real-time news and information network. Granted, there are people talking about mundane life stuff, like how awesome their strawberry pancakes are or how shitty the weather is, but as a Twitter user you don't have to see or experience any of that. Twitter is whatever you make it. You decide on the content that you see (not to mention the distinct lack of Facebook friends bitching up a storm and inviting you to their nephews bar mitzah). There are some 200 million Twitter accounts and with that comes a lot of substantial content being shared, discussed, and created. Not to mention, Charlie Sheen. (bad joke). Anyways, while I do cringe every time a CNN reporter uses the word "tweet," it is undeniable that Twitter has become the largest, leaderless news and information network in the world.


Some bike related Twitter accounts: Active Trans, Bike Hugger, Momentum Magazine, Chicago Velo Campus, The Chainlink, Walk Bike Transit, Chicago Climate Cycle, The Late Ride, Chicago Cyclists, CDOT News, Bike Snob, Bicycling Magazine, The Pedalr, plus many more

Because we are all to busy riding our bikes....

So humanity has figured out how to fit everything you need to know about a news story into 140 characters or less?

Zach Straw said:

Twitter has become a fully customizable real-time news and information network.

Have you used Twitter?

notoriousDUG said:

Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.

No way, it's more fun to judge without actual knowledge...

Although I did enjoy the fake Rahm...


Steven Vance said:

Have you used Twitter?

notoriousDUG said:

Twitter is for people who think the world cares about everything they think or do and are in compulsive need to attention.


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