Anyone feel like meeting up noonish/one-ish on Sunday for an inaugural eat and ride? I'm woefully ignorant of great places around in which to dine, so I'll let the destination be decided democratically. Also, and maybe this will tempt more people to attend, I have beaucoups leftovers from yesterday- Turducken, hot boudin, seafood stuffing- and I'd love to share the love with my fellow Chainlinkers.

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I'm sorry I bailed, I think I'm getting a cold....
not yet h3, trying to down the Echinacea.

h3 said:
Julie Hochstadter said:
I'm sorry I bailed, I think I'm getting a cold....

The one that starts with a bad throat and makes you really really tired regardless of how much sleep you've had?
headache and the world knows what a hypochondriac I can be (and baby)...

h3 said:
Why do you think you're getting sick?
Julie Hochstadter said:
not yet h3, trying to down the Echinacea.

h3 said:
Julie Hochstadter said:
I'm sorry I bailed, I think I'm getting a cold....

The one that starts with a bad throat and makes you really really tired regardless of how much sleep you've had?


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