I live 5 miles away from where i work out here in the boonies, and each day now that's it's colder my coworkers say "your crazy to bike when it's so cold out" has anyone else heard these comments and what do you say to them?

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"...but it's the stealthiest way to stalk someone."
What do you have to say to them? A nonchalant "OK"?
Several years back, I was living in Rogers Park and working in Ravenswood (about a 4 mile trip). I got similar comments, more often from the Fed Ex guy than my co-workers. My response: riding my bike here is warmer than sitting in a cold car that doesn't really warm up on such a short trip.
I agree with T-A Ryan. A simple OK does the job quite nicely. At first I insisted that besides being fun to bike, since you are moving you stay warmer then just sitting in a car. People don't get called crazy for skiing, sledding, or having snowball fights, right? Of course there is the fact that its STILL a good way to stay healthy. Did I forget to mention its fun to ride a bike?

but now I just say, "OK." it saves time and most people will never get passed their set ways of thinking anyways. :-)
I usually reply with "What's even crazier is that I'm 87 years old".
Drop trou and pee on the floor. Then say yep and walk away waggin in the wind. I guess the "OK" thing works too but is way boring ;-)

We all await the story of you getting fired on the spot.
Gabe said:
Drop trou and pee on the floor. Then say yep and walk away waggin in the wind. I guess the "OK" thing works too but is way boring ;-)
But you look so young for being 87!! I just wish more people out here would bike more!!
I think you are tenuring your resignation if you pee on someone. ;-)

And i get that same stupid "you bike to work??" question as well. I'm wearing a helmet and walking a bike. "Nope i drove."

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

We all await the story of you getting fired on the spot.
Gabe said:
Drop trou and pee on the floor. Then say yep and walk away waggin in the wind. I guess the "OK" thing works too but is way boring ;-)
One of my coworkers kind of did a double-take yesterday as we're leaving and I'm wearing shorts with tights underneath.
I get the questions "isn't it too dark to be biking?" while they're looking at my bike with a bike light on my handbar or when I"m coming into work on a rainy morning they ask, "Did you get wet?"

Co-workers, family and friends started to feel sorry for me and offer me rides everywhere. "You know my offer is still on the table is you want me to pick you up or drop you off..."
I sold my car 10 years ago. Since then I haven't paid for gas, insurance, city stickers, or parking tickets, and I never waste time stuck in traffic or circling the block looking for a parking space.

That usually gets a wow. Oddly, many follow with, "I don't know if I could do that."

I'm tempted to break into an acapella version of Suicidal Tendencies Institutionalized "I'm not crazy. You're the one that's crazy! You're DRIVING me crazy!!!"


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