A bike community member I know described these efforts as "utter failures" the other night.
Just wondering what people's experiences have been-- have you participated? Any response out on the road?

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I usually wave and get no response. I think it's cause most cyclists are dicks ;-)
I've never heard of Two honk Tuesday or Waving Wednesday. I do know that when I wave at people because it's chilly out or because they're hauling something they seem to think I'm making fun of them.
i got a horn specifically for this. that, and i really wanted a horn on my bike. my commute involves the hubbard corridor to the western metra stop. it is riddled with bicyclists to and from both eve and morn.

when i honk, mosy people have no clue what the hell im doing or why. an older lady appreciates it, but i havent seen her in a while. every once in a while, the female cyclists either give a 'hheeeeyyy' smile or 'the fuck you honkin at' kinda look. group riders are more sympathic to the horn.

failure or not...try try again, i say. one day itll stick.
I get the dirty looks on Milwaukee with waving, the horn produces slightly better results.
I have a hard time agreeing that any idea without a concrete plan to bring the idea to life can be called an "utter failure." How do you describe something as an "utter failure" that no one actually took it upon themselves to bring about? Seems a little passive and defeatist. Organize, spread the word, champion the cause... then determine whether it was successful or not.

I wave when I'm riding here in Beverly and in other areas on the south side. Most people wave back. I wouldn't exactly consider that an utter failure.

Leah said:
I have a hard time agreeing that any idea without a concrete plan to bring the idea to life can be called an "utter failure." How do you describe something as an "utter failure" that no one actually took it upon themselves to bring about? Seems a little passive and defeatist. Organize, spread the word, champion the cause... then determine whether it was successful or not.
I have to agree with my fellow cycling sisters on this one. I wave and/or ding my bell all the time at other cyclists and usually get a smile back. I go so far as to yell go cyclist, or go fall biker.... Of course sometimes people think I'm nuts, but that's another story :)).

Anne Alt said:

I wave when I'm riding here in Beverly and in other areas on the south side. Most people wave back. I wouldn't exactly consider that an utter failure.

Leah said:
I have a hard time agreeing that any idea without a concrete plan to bring the idea to life can be called an "utter failure." How do you describe something as an "utter failure" that no one actually took it upon themselves to bring about? Seems a little passive and defeatist. Organize, spread the word, champion the cause... then determine whether it was successful or not.

but should you use 8 people as an indicator?

H3N3 said:
So if one were to take the responses above as a 'good' sample, and try to draw a conclusion from them, would it be fair to say that woman cyclists get a good response whereas men get dirty looks or ignored?
Assuming 5% of Chicagoans are cyclists, eight responses gives you a margin of error of 35% at a confidence level of 95%, according to this handy sample size calculator.
I'm trying to ring my bell at every oncoming person riding a bike. I do that partially because Howard suggested it for "two honk Tuesday" and partially because my bell wouldn't get used otherwise.

My problem, and I'm not sure if this has anything to do with causing a response, is that I don't look at the person for whom I ring the bell. Weird, right?
I am both pleased and astonished to report that I successfully exchanged bell "dings" with a stranger today.

H3N3 said:
Any honk-ees today?
You belong in the comic business, Howard.

H3N3 said:
Sorry, that was me.

I've read a few stories today to the effect that two-honk Tuesday seems to be catching on with airport security workers though. They give it a slightly different touch . . .


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