The Chainlink

Hello Fellow Cyclists,

I am working on a small project photographing stylish cyclists, and I want to photograph you with your bike (outside somewhere).  I have a few rules:

1.  No active wear, you should be wearing work clothes or going out clothes.  (unless you can make a case for a particularly nice looking "functional" outfit)

2.  I want all kinds of bikers but prefer women and commuters. 

3.  Look cute and dress up a little!

Send me your email and a photo (if you want) and I will contact you with a time slot.  You can have a hi-res digital copy of the photo. 

martha williams

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love it!

Duppie said:
First off: nice pictures on your blog. I like it that they are not random pictures of women riding their bikes like you see on some of the other sites

I was thinking about this thread yesterday on my ride home
As I am waiting for a light to turn green somewhere downtown, a true gentleman bicyclist stops next me: riding a Velorbis bike with white balloon tires, wearing a suit, shirt, tie, a scarve, nice woolen gloves and dress shoes. (He would be a prime candidate for your blog). I wear my usual fall outfit, existing of street shoes, woolen argyle knee high socks, woolen knickers made by Hector, a merino wool jersey and woolen arm warmers handknitted by Mrs. Duppie. Since all this is bicycling specific it would disqualify me by your standards.

Mr. High Style proceeds to ask whether my knickers are Rapha knickers. He is clearly impressed when I explain to him that they are thrift store slacks converted into knickers.

It just made me smile. Somebody who clearly thought about his outfit, deemed it appropriate to inquire about my knickers……

Martha Williams said:
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback. I've launched my bike photo website, please check it out, and if you like it, follow me.

Riding bikes are fun! Dressing up is fun! I'm game.
Nice! You should email me, so I can photograph you.

Kellie said:
Riding bikes are fun! Dressing up is fun! I'm game.
Thanks Martha for mentioning chainlink...Loretta, you look great!

Blog post here.
Why does everyone keep thinking my name is Loretta?
oh my gosh, sooooo sorry!

Lorena Cupcake said:
Why does everyone keep thinking my name is Loretta?
Ha ha, it's OK, someone just made the same mistake in the comments on The Reader post and I was surprised because I usually get Lauren or something like that before Loretta.
I might be a little late to this game, but I'm game to model for this. It's been a while since I did anything like that, so I think it would be kinda fun.

I wouldn't call myself "chic" but I think I have a pretty good style and a nice looking bike.

Let me know if you are still looking for people.

Lorena Cupcake said:
Ha ha, it's OK, someone just made the same mistake in the comments on The Reader post and I was surprised because I usually get Lauren or something like that before Loretta.

I think the JulieH that made the same mistake might be Julie Hochstadter on chainlink. I could be wrong, but I'd be willing to wager on it.

julieh=julie hochstadter. S, how did you figure that out :))

S said:

Lorena Cupcake said:
Ha ha, it's OK, someone just made the same mistake in the comments on The Reader post and I was surprised because I usually get Lauren or something like that before Loretta.

I think the JulieH that made the same mistake might be Julie Hochstadter on chainlink. I could be wrong, but I'd be willing to wager on it.

James, come to tonight's bike fashion panel if you are free!

James39 said:
I might be a little late to this game, but I'm game to model for this. It's been a while since I did anything like that, so I think it would be kinda fun.

I wouldn't call myself "chic" but I think I have a pretty good style and a nice looking bike.

Let me know if you are still looking for people.
Email me. I haven't added men to the site yet, but it is in the works. my email is

Julie Hochstadter said:
James, come to tonight's bike fashion panel if you are free!

James39 said:
I might be a little late to this game, but I'm game to model for this. It's been a while since I did anything like that, so I think it would be kinda fun.

I wouldn't call myself "chic" but I think I have a pretty good style and a nice looking bike.

Let me know if you are still looking for people.


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