Hello Fellow Cyclists,

I am working on a small project photographing stylish cyclists, and I want to photograph you with your bike (outside somewhere).  I have a few rules:

1.  No active wear, you should be wearing work clothes or going out clothes.  (unless you can make a case for a particularly nice looking "functional" outfit)

2.  I want all kinds of bikers but prefer women and commuters. 

3.  Look cute and dress up a little!

Send me your email and a photo (if you want) and I will contact you with a time slot.  You can have a hi-res digital copy of the photo. 

martha williams


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The helmet fully meets the European CE standard (EN1078).

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
But do they meet CPSC and/or ANSI safety standards?

Martha Williams said:
teee heeeee! You know you CAN wear a fedora and a bike helmet at the same time http://www.yakkay.com/
two birds one stone

Minh said:
Screw you pretty lady and you pretty people wearing whatever you want only commuting 2-5 miles to work. Get a job that has a commute of at least 20 miles + through inclement weather all year round. I have a commute to work that's 40 miles uphill through a glass covered ghetto and I can't get anywhere without my bulletproof lycra suit. Now get off my lawn.
all right all right boys... we get your point..
ladies and howard, well said.
I commute in my work clothes but good for me, I don't need to apologize for the ones who ride 15+ miles and have to wear something different. NOW.. CAN WE GET BACK TO THE TOPIC????
Martha, I sent you some pictures and a quick hello from my personal email. I will stand pictures if you need a female body :)
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback. I've launched my bike photo website, bikefancy.com please check it out, and if you like it, follow me.

I'm enjoying your blog Martha! I'm sure you'll get a lot of great shots and it will continue to be a fun blog to watch. Definitely more fun and cheaper than a fashion magazine!
Thanks Holly,
I'm checking out your blog too. Love Vintage! I've added you to my blogroll

Holly said:
I'm enjoying your blog Martha! I'm sure you'll get a lot of great shots and it will continue to be a fun blog to watch. Definitely more fun and cheaper than a fashion magazine!
Martha--wonderful pics! Nodding to the discussion above--yes, there are folks who have long commutes and/or prefer for whatever reason to not wear "dress" clothes. I have been all over that spectrum over the years. But I think if we want to sell biking to more and more people, showing regular folks looking lovely on their bikes is key. And, I like to say it is easy (and more knee friendly) to bike than walk in heels. ;-)

The more we hack away at these mostly perceived barriers, the more biking will increase.

cargo/carrying stuff
Thanks, that is exactly what I'm trying to do. More bike visibility = safer roads.

Gin said:
Martha--wonderful pics! Nodding to the discussion above--yes, there are folks who have long commutes and/or prefer for whatever reason to not wear "dress" clothes. I have been all over that spectrum over the years. But I think if we want to sell biking to more and more people, showing regular folks looking lovely on their bikes is key. And, I like to say it is easy (and more knee friendly) to bike than walk in heels. ;-)

The more we hack away at these mostly perceived barriers, the more biking will increase.

cargo/carrying stuff
First off: nice pictures on your blog. I like it that they are not random pictures of women riding their bikes like you see on some of the other sites

I was thinking about this thread yesterday on my ride home
As I am waiting for a light to turn green somewhere downtown, a true gentleman bicyclist stops next me: riding a Velorbis bike with white balloon tires, wearing a suit, shirt, tie, a scarve, nice woolen gloves and dress shoes. (He would be a prime candidate for your blog). I wear my usual fall outfit, existing of street shoes, woolen argyle knee high socks, woolen knickers made by Hector, a merino wool jersey and woolen arm warmers handknitted by Mrs. Duppie. Since all this is bicycling specific it would disqualify me by your standards.

Mr. High Style proceeds to ask whether my knickers are Rapha knickers. He is clearly impressed when I explain to him that they are thrift store slacks converted into knickers.

It just made me smile. Somebody who clearly thought about his outfit, deemed it appropriate to inquire about my knickers……

Martha Williams said:
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback. I've launched my bike photo website, bikefancy.com please check it out, and if you like it, follow me.

love it!

Duppie said:
First off: nice pictures on your blog. I like it that they are not random pictures of women riding their bikes like you see on some of the other sites

I was thinking about this thread yesterday on my ride home
As I am waiting for a light to turn green somewhere downtown, a true gentleman bicyclist stops next me: riding a Velorbis bike with white balloon tires, wearing a suit, shirt, tie, a scarve, nice woolen gloves and dress shoes. (He would be a prime candidate for your blog). I wear my usual fall outfit, existing of street shoes, woolen argyle knee high socks, woolen knickers made by Hector, a merino wool jersey and woolen arm warmers handknitted by Mrs. Duppie. Since all this is bicycling specific it would disqualify me by your standards.

Mr. High Style proceeds to ask whether my knickers are Rapha knickers. He is clearly impressed when I explain to him that they are thrift store slacks converted into knickers.

It just made me smile. Somebody who clearly thought about his outfit, deemed it appropriate to inquire about my knickers……

Martha Williams said:
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback. I've launched my bike photo website, bikefancy.com please check it out, and if you like it, follow me.

Riding bikes are fun! Dressing up is fun! I'm game.
Nice! You should email me, so I can photograph you.

Kellie said:
Riding bikes are fun! Dressing up is fun! I'm game.
Thanks Martha for mentioning chainlink...Loretta, you look great!

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