Just read this article on supposedly extremely high winds for tomorrow. I am still going to do my 8 miles commute to work, but curious if this type of thing stops any of you from cycling to work or just cycling in general? 

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Smart choice. Better be safe than sorry

Anne Alt said:
Between gusty winds and high probability of t-storms, it sounds like a good public transit day to me.
High gear, low cadence.
I was thinking it'd be more like low gear, low cadence.
I guess it depends which direction you're riding.

Michael Perz said:
High gear, low cadence.
Ohh Amy Freeze said that it might be the biggest storm in 70 years. I'll believe it when I see it. My plan is to go slow and leave early.
They are claiming that it will be the second most intense (as measured by barometric pressure) in 70 years. UIC even sent out an email to everyone about the storm. If they are right, the winds will be miserable. I may give biking a shot, but I'll plan for a lot of extra time.
They've done a certain amount of over-predicting for years, not just this summer. I'll be curious to see what tomorrow morning brings.

H3N3 said:
Not that anyone shouldn't be prepared, but . . .
the forecasters have been over-predicting ever since the bad storms in June or July caught them off-guard.
Now everything more than a drizzle is being predicted as a "damaging storm."
Wow- winds that high? Thanks for posting! I need to take a good look before loading all those kids up to go. Could be the train if it's that bad!
Weather Channel has now posted a Tornado Warning for Chicago (Chicago!!?) and beyond until tonight. Be safe!
Horizontal rain and lots of it in the far NW burbs. Jeep day.
I biked into work today. I left California and Lincoln at 6 am. Lincoln to foster then east to the lake front path. Then south to work. I got to McCormick place at 6:45. It was warm and dry at first then it rained sideways. Most of all it was windy as hell. There were several other bikers along the way. Average speed was 15 mph. I guess I will not have to do intervals tonight.
got a lift to the train station by the lovely mis LOLO. had to bike the rest of the way in wood dale. wood dale was fine tho, just a breeze and drizzle.
Well, I made all 8 miles to work...a bit wet and windblown, but it wasn't all that bad. The worst of it came with the downpour about a mile or so from my office, just as I was passing Division Street going south on Wells. The winds were strong- I didn't have to brake to slow down, as if I coasted toward a stop light, I would automatically slow almost to a stop. Overall, I enjoyed the wet, windy weather, and the feeling that I am invincible! (and maybe a bit crazy). Oh, someone did roll down their car window and gave me a cheer and a thumbs up, too, so that also made my day.

If the winds are still traveling from the South, I should have a really fast ride home. Looking forward to it!


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