Hi there, I saw mention of this on a thread, but would like elaboration...

My neighbor and I were talking about all the bike thefts this summer, and he asked me if it was possible to register one's bike BEFORE it gets stolen.   

I saw that the Chicago Police Dept. has a registry.  Has anyone registered?  How does it work?   Most importantly, is there a benefit to it - or not?


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good question anne. I hope the answer is 'yes' as I have not recoreded the S/N's myself. Shame on me!

Anne Alt said:
Hmmm....interesting question. I've bought 2 bikes from Rapid Transit and the serial number was listed on each purchase receipt. I believe that they keep the serial # in their customer data. Not sure if that's printed out on service receipts. I confess that I haven't organized my filing in a while, so I can't find my most recent service receipt.

Can anyone at RT or another bike shop speak to this issue?

H3N3 said:
So, Nick . . . while we're on the subject . . . what would it take to get bike shops to record the serial number on service receipts as a service to the customer? Do any do this already? In the situations I've been involved in, such a receipt would be taken as proof of ownership.
Maybe you should take a few minutes and record those serial #s while it's on your mind.

dan brown said:
good question anne. I hope the answer is 'yes' as I have not recoreded the S/N's myself. Shame on me!

Anne Alt said:
Hmmm....interesting question. I've bought 2 bikes from Rapid Transit and the serial number was listed on each purchase receipt. I believe that they keep the serial # in their customer data. Not sure if that's printed out on service receipts. I confess that I haven't organized my filing in a while, so I can't find my most recent service receipt.

Can anyone at RT or another bike shop speak to this issue?

H3N3 said:
So, Nick . . . while we're on the subject . . . what would it take to get bike shops to record the serial number on service receipts as a service to the customer? Do any do this already? In the situations I've been involved in, such a receipt would be taken as proof of ownership.


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