Muti to return Feb 3 (was Proud of Chicago: Riccardo Muti Welcoming Event)

Pretty big deal-- the CSO never plays at Millenium Park, and very very rarely for free -- this is a special "Concert for Chicago" to kick off Riccardo Muti's tenure as the new Music Director.

Bombastic program including Respighi's "Pines of Rome" and Tchaikovsky's "Romeo and Juliet."

Food/drink allowed . . . probably want to be there at 4:30 to stake out seats, or by 5 to get lawn space (maybe earlier.)

Go on Marauders, roll out of bed around 2 and start moseying downtown . . . perfect day.

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I thought this was Saturday, which I couldn't go to. I may be able to go now!

And yes, this is a big deal. I would expect it to be very crowded. Should be BYOB too.

There's also Chicago Gourmet Fest next weekend. Ted Allen, Cat Cora, Rick Bayless, Jimmy Bannos, and handfuls of other world renown chefs will be there! I'm on the bottom of the list to be selected as a volunteer, but many people from my school, Washburne Culinary Institute, will be there helping the chefs out.

Its at Millennium, so I might just bring my chef jacket and try to sneak in, cause its around $175 a ticket.

anyone know if you can bring bikes onto the lawn? i don't want to lock mine up.
I believe that is frowned upon. They used to offer bike valet for these kinds of things, but not sure if that is still happening.

milesperhour said:
anyone know if you can bring bikes onto the lawn? i don't want to lock mine up.
I was a little confused by this note on the site:
"Patrons may line-up early for general admission bowl seating. The line will form on the East side of the bowl seating area"
The east side is the side by the Goose Island 312 pavillion. Do you think they meant west side, closest to Michigan AVe? That's where most people enter I think.
You might be right about that. Sounds like a great concert.

H3N3 said:
Good catch. East side would be awfully unlikely, as most people access the east side by entering the west side and crossing the pavillion area.
It could be that "bowl seating" only refers to the very front seating section that's normally reserved for Grant Park Symphony subscribers/ticket holders. It would make sense to put that line on the east side to keep the west side clear for the entering throngs.

JeffB said:
I was a little confused by this note on the site:
"Patrons may line-up early for general admission bowl seating. The line will form on the East side of the bowl seating area"
The east side is the side by the Goose Island 312 pavillion. Do you think they meant west side, closest to Michigan AVe? That's where most people enter I think.
thanks Cameron & jamimaria!
I'm going to lock up at the McDonald's Cycle Center. I called and they said there is enough free parking for an event like tonight. Has anyone ever locked up there?

H3N3 said:
You should be OK with a U-lock, if you lock anywhere east of Michigan.
All the reports I've received of bikes stolen within Millenium Park have been cable locks.

milesperhour said:
thanks Cameron & jamimaria!
Wow. Just a few people in attendance, eh?

H3N3 said:
Um . . . I think thousands of people have locked up there?
Did you make it down to the event?
Amazing how many people were there. If the weather had been nice it would have been a full-out disaster. The pics don't start to capture the size of the throngs.
I was never able to get a clear view of the stage no matter where I went-- could have used a periscope. The camera was as high over my head as I could reach for these shots.
Very proud of this city tonight.

milesperhour said:
I'm going to lock up at the McDonald's Cycle Center. I called and they said there is enough free parking for an event like tonight. Has anyone ever locked up there?
H3N3 said:
You should be OK with a U-lock, if you lock anywhere east of Michigan.
All the reports I've received of bikes stolen within Millenium Park have been cable locks.
milesperhour said:
thanks Cameron & jamimaria!
You say "security was amazingly tolerant". Wow. I found security to be incredible rude and insulting. Speaking to people disrespectfully and being unwilling to answer questions or anything. I heard two different security guards cursing at individuals...individuals who were being polite but who asked questions about if there was room to get in or not.
That has to be the best performance I have ever seen!!! I was totally blown away by how much of an impact Muti had on the orchestra!

As for the seating, we got a little before 4pm, and where able to get a nice space in the southeast corner of the lawn. By 4:30 the venue was full. I have never seen the park that crowded for any event. I think the security was in a tough place, clearly no one anticipated that the even would draw so many. Since the lawn and seating does fill up quickly for "normal" grant park orchestra evets, I knew that we would need to be there early to find a good spot.
Ok ok. Typo on my part. Also, I get your clarifying point. I took your statement in broader terms than you intended. :-)

The music was amazing and the CSO definitely has an outstanding new director in Muti.
The mass of people wanting to hear the performance was incredible. Of course, given the costs of tickets to a CSO show, it probably should not be a surprise at the numbers in attendance. A free performance is just about the only way many folks can get to hear the CSO.

H3N3 said:
You said "I found security to be incredible."

(there, two can play . . .)

I said:
Security was amazingly tolerant in terms of letting people fill up all but important passageways

I saw what you saw as well and wouldn't disagree. At one point I shushed the screaming security worker and she made a big show out of screaming at me.

Liz W. Durham said:
You say "security was amazingly tolerant". Wow. I found security to be incredible rude and insulting. Speaking to people disrespectfully and being unwilling to answer questions or anything. I heard two different security guards cursing at individuals...individuals who were being polite but who asked questions about if there was room to get in or not.


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