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he's like limbaugh of toronto, and a human train wreck.
I thought the Canadians were liberals?
"my heart bleeds for [bicyclists] when someone gets killed..., but it's thier own fault at the end of the day."

he really doesn't care about society. he just wants profits. he's a business man. he wants to get from point A to point B as fast as he a car.

H3N3 said:
Somewhere up there Tooker is hatching a plan to deal with this guy . . .
WOW....kinda thought a jerk like this would at least know when to keep his mouth shut

"my heart bleeds for ( ) when someone gets killed..., but it's thier own fault at the end of the day."

You could insert one of a thousand groups there.....
How about we just insert him into that blank? (And I haven't even watched the video)

Rick norris said:
WOW....kinda thought a jerk like this would at least know when to keep his mouth shut

"my heart bleeds for ( ) when someone gets killed..., but it's thier own fault at the end of the day."

You could insert one of a thousand groups there.....
Oh I was hoping this was a super mega douche bag ride being planned.
"Roads are built for busses, cars and trucks, not for people on bikes."

The joke is that roads pretty much got paved from the start because cyclists lobbied for it.
As a LAB member, I agree. It was the League of American Wheelmen who pushed for paved roads.

Peenworm Grubologist said:
"Roads are built for busses, cars and trucks, not for people on bikes."

The joke is that roads pretty much got paved from the start because cyclists lobbied for it.
he's just mad because he can't ride a bike without the saddle getting stuck up his ass.
Super mega fat ass with knee problems because of his fat assedness who will die early because of his fat ass health problems due to the fact that he doesn't bike to work or have bike lanes to bike to work on and never heard of bikers in Finland, Norway, or Poland. "I can't support" the idea of his genetic predisposition to being a lard ass simply, because well, he's a narrow minded jerk.
I would like to take this moment to say that there are fat people who ride bikes.

Also, Rob Ford is a tool.


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