Wait Wait Don't Tell Me host recovering from bike accident

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I'm interested in joining in, but booked on Sept 16. So I vote for Sept 30.
From the WBEZ website, it appears that doors open at 6:30 and taping starts at 7:30.
The 30th it is. Julie, do you want to start a new event (I understand you possess "preferred" member status and might be able to expedite these things)? We give it a week (until 8/27) to see how many "will attends" we can get. If we're at >20 we buy 40 at the discount price, if we're <20 just start buying the tickets individually. We already hijacked this post, should probably move it somewhere else anyway.

y a j said:
I'm interested in joining in, but booked on Sept 16. So I vote for Sept 30.
From the WBEZ website, it appears that doors open at 6:30 and taping starts at 7:30.
i would buy two tickets for Sept 30.
We can probably get at least 20 easily. I would probably be in for 4 tickets myself.
I would be in for 2-4 for the 30th.
Just saw this -> "Ticket Prices Go Up to $24.75 beginning September 30" on their website. I sent an email to get the 40 or more people rate. How do you want to do this? Do you want to send me money and I'll buy the tickets? Just buy individually?
It would be nice to have a group rate, it's very likely that we could get 40...if you would be willing to head it up, that would be great, but it's never all that much fun to be the one to keep track of process. If you want to be in charge of that, then that would be great!

Kevin Conway said:
Just saw this -> "Ticket Prices Go Up to $24.75 beginning September 30" on their website. I sent an email to get the 40 or more people rate. How do you want to do this? Do you want to send me money and I'll buy the tickets? Just buy individually?
Damn this guy's fast! Attached is my invoice. We must make payment by September 10th @ 5:00 pm. Now how do you want to do this?

Alright Jamie, you posted while I posted. I'll take the lead here. Our discounted ticket price is $22.50 per ticket. Send me a check or give me cash by September 7th. Designate who you are and how many you're paying for. Office address is Kevin J. Conway, 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60602. I also can be reached on various chainlink bike rides including the Three Floyds ride this weekend and Perimeter Ride next weekend.
New Event posted for September 30th. RSVP and send me money by September 7th.

Kevin Conway said:
Damn this guy's fast! Attached is my invoice. We must make payment by September 10th @ 5:00 pm. Now how do you want to do this?

Alright Jamie, you posted while I posted. I'll take the lead here. Our discounted ticket price is $22.50 per ticket. Send me a check or give me cash by September 7th. Designate who you are and how many you're paying for. Office address is Kevin J. Conway, 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60602. I also can be reached on various chainlink bike rides including the Three Floyds ride this weekend and Perimeter Ride next weekend.
Event link here

Kevin Conway said:
New Event posted for September 30th. RSVP and send me money by September 7th.
Kevin Conway said:
Damn this guy's fast! Attached is my invoice. We must make payment by September 10th @ 5:00 pm. Now how do you want to do this?

Alright Jamie, you posted while I posted. I'll take the lead here. Our discounted ticket price is $22.50 per ticket. Send me a check or give me cash by September 7th. Designate who you are and how many you're paying for. Office address is Kevin J. Conway, 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60602. I also can be reached on various chainlink bike rides including the Three Floyds ride this weekend and Perimeter Ride next weekend.
Can I send you payment via Paypal for tickets? (I'll add cash to cover the fees.)
Hmmm, I have a PayPal account for paying, but I've never used it for being paid. Is it a different account?

Holly said:
Can I send you payment via Paypal for tickets? (I'll add cash to cover the fees.)


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