Whenever I drive into the city on 90, I am always awestruck at the beautiful skyline.    I was driving home late last night. The expressway was clear, my windows were rolled down, and I had good music playing.  I love driving around the curves of 90, with the skyline coming into view, until finally it is right before you.  This is always one of my "I love this city" moments.

This got me thinking. What are some places where you have an "I love this city" moment while biking? 

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From a little higher up (though not on my bike):

Am I inside or outside?

The only place I'll drink an Old Style (and hey, valet parking for free):

That's great and all but how does DRIVING relate to a bicycle group?
Mike Zumwalt said:
That's great and all but how does DRIVING relate to a bicycle group?

Assuming this is related to my "valet parking" comment, that refers to bicycle parking for free at Wrigley. I'd never drive into that mess willingly...

notoriousDUG said:
I seem to prefer a different style of city then the rest of you.

Personally I love to stop and watch them pour at Finkle.

I was searching for a particular discussion and ran across this beauty.  Wanted to bring it back again.

Digital Dario said:

My favorite is on Elston near North Ave and further south as well. At night the skyline looks amazing just over the river. Here is a photo I shot Near North and Elston.

I love riding around erie and milwaukee


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