Basil ready for another harvest, about to go to seed, please help!

Need a source for pine nuts. Trader Joe's is out of them (they have a way of being dry on something for weeks, system-wide, right when you need it). Raw vs. roasted, doesn't matter, as long as the price isn't stoopid-expensive.  I think last time I bought they were $5.99 for an 8 oz bag raw, and $6.49 for an 8 oz bag toasted.

Please let me know if you spot some anywhere!

Thanks . . .

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Maybe it's still be the same, I just have a little 0.3 lb cup. It's self-packaged by Bari, but I think I just grabbed it out of the fridge section rather than asking at the deli counter, so it could easily be that it's much cheaper in larger volume. (OTOH, maybe it's a seasonal thing, I have no idea)

If it's that price, though, then I'd highly recommend Bari as well. It's a great place for any Italian cooking ingredients. They specialize in things like good pine nuts and olive oil, as opposed to places where it's just an afterthought. And the deli is incredibly good.

Now I'm hungry.

Len Krietz said:
Wow! the last time I bought pine nuts there (last summer) they were only ~$13-15/lb bulk at the deli counter. Hell of an increase!

David said:
I love Bari, but pine nuts there run about $29/lb, almost twice as much as the TJ's price. Whether that's a dealbreaker probably depends on the volume that H3N3 is looking for.

I second the vote on the subs, though. Yum, yum.

Len Krietz said:
Bari Deli on Grand (+ outstanding subs and barese sausage!)
Just got back from a Trader Joe's run. I've got plenty. PM me.
Yeah, i was sorry i missed it. Next Time!

Julie Hochstadter said:
The ULTIMATE Kupa Ride - Where were you Yaniv?

Yaniv said:
Kupa Julie?
H3N3, if you find yourself in the Uk Village I'd be happy to help you out. Herbs for nuts, seems like a good deal to me. Julie Hochstadter said:
Yaniv knows how to share, don't you Yani1shu??

H3N3 said:
Will trade you all the basil you can use for some pine nuts . . .

Yaniv said:
Farmers Pride at Chicago and Western as them for cheap. Also, toasted walnut work wonderfully.

Just picked up some basil myself from the Daley farmers market this morning, planning on making some pesto tonight as well. Though i always have a supply of pine nuts on reserve.
Pecans are not a bad sub. I've also done a pecan-pine nut mix in some batches. Slightly lighter, sweeter flavor.

Got a neighborhood source here (Calabria by the 103rd St. Metra station), but kinda pricey for the quantity you want.

Lindsay Knight said:
Walnuts or pecans make for tasty (and less expensive) substitutes.


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