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"Pro-family", eh? They should just come out of the closet and openly be anti-gay. They'd at least have courage as an attribute then.
Oh man, for a moment I was scared I was going to have to stop shopping there. I like the home depot. The smell of fresh cut wood and potting soil. And where else can you buy drain cleaner that can also remove your skin?
Their support of the gay community just seems like all the more reason to shop there.
Why don't "pro family" groups fight liberalized divorce laws, philandering husbands, "new cookies" and trophy wives? You know, the things that really destroy families.
Nothing. That's what it's marked (not bike related).

Also, Old Tom, what is a "new cookie"?

What does this have to do with biking...??? Bike more, complain less!!!
"Also, Old Tom, what is a "new cookie"?"

Oh, I picked that up from Tom Wolfe's writing in the 1960s; his term for a wealthy older man's young mistress or wife.
I love the "related poll" with the article. Not sure which one of those great choices I'd pick.
oh no dont buy from home depot, they wont listen to a bunch of nazi bastards. why is it that everyone has to push there agenda on others. i bought some 1 by 6 boards there today. keep up the good fight home depot!
The leading cause of divorce is marriage.

Old Tom said:
Why don't "pro family" groups fight liberalized divorce laws, philandering husbands, "new cookies" and trophy wives? You know, the things that really destroy families.
Thank you Home Depot. I feared I might have to go to Lowes (or ace. They are the only 3 places around me.)
What does this have to do with biking...??? Bike more, complain less!!!

ERCHLVRSN, notice that this is posted under ' General Discussion (not bike related)'.
This article makes me glad I bought the supplies I needed for the gay pride parade from the local Homo..oops...Home Depot.
Ryan, Old Tom - Thank you!

I agree that their support of the gay community deserves a thank you. It's good to see a major corporation taking a stand against anti-gay bigotry.


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