Apologies if this is a ridiculous question but is biking on the southern half of the lakeshore path safe in the evenings? 

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Oh, there definitely is glass on the path on the southside. Either that or I imagined the glass fragment that caused me to get a flat this morning on my ride.

Anne Alt said:
I've never seen glass on the lakefront path. The only location where I've encountered or heard about problems with thugs is where there are lots of shrubs close to the path behind McCormick Place, and those incidents I'm aware of were few and far between.

Joe Studer said:
Old Tom said:
The South Side lakepath is frequented by gangs of drunk, rowdy kids and broken glass is often on the path leading to frequent flats.


Or are you just trying to ensure that nobody comes south to mess up your ride?

My daily experience riding the south side lakepath is far different from this. After years of riding the path on my daily commute, I have had less than a handful of "sketchy" situations, nearly all of which occurred just north of the 31st street beach, and all in the mid- to late- afternoon. I've had no problems early in the morning, and no problems on my late night rides.

I rarely encounter glass. Had my share of pinch flats over certain bumps, and have had rock fragments from the running borders beside the path work their way into my tires. I get many more flats riding through downtown than I do on the south side of the LFP, and most of the flats I get on the LFP do not involve glass.

Like other posters have mentioned, just be sensible and trust your instincts. The south end of the LFP is a much better riding experience. During the summer, I hate riding north of Monroe Harbor during the day. It's just too insane. Riding the path south of Monroe Harbor is much, much better.
Plenty of glass from Oak St. beach to the Navy Pier on the north side, if you are commuting early before they send the sweeper trucks out. Especially on Monday morning.
I'm giving ya a hard time....

No the south side part of the path is not bad, scary or dangerous IMO.... I actually like it better than the north side part of the path because of less congestion. I rode part of the path this past weekend and felt safe past 9:00 from 63rd up to 18th..... And really. earlier that day I rode from roosevelt and racine to 111th and kedzie and took kedzie most of the way..... The only scary part was going west on 55th which is near the northen border of englewood....

XV said:
haha being 'colored' myself it was more an issue of parts of the southside being the lawless murder epicenter of the city

Little Phil said:

Watch out!!! There's lots of non white people there!!! Those coloreds turn into demons I tell ya!
Brian W said:
Safe in my experience, and less packed. But you still encounter those people who intentionally walk on the wrong side of the path just to piss of cyclists.

Perhaps they're just following the rule where pedestrians are to walk on the left side, going forward. That's the way you're supposed to do it on the road. I don't think it's just a deliberate attempt to piss off cyclists.

The Lake Shore Path is intended for many users - pedestrians and cyclists.
The signed bike route leading off the lakefront toward Burnham Greenway is as chill as can be and goes through safe middle- and working-class neighborhoods. I ride that stretch all the time and I've never had a problem. YMMV...

Brian W said:
If you decide to go further south than the South Shore Cultural center... I would advise going with a group or atleast one other individual who has been down that far before and knows the route.
Dr. Doom said:
The signed bike route leading off the lakefront toward Burnham Greenway is as chill as can be and goes through safe middle- and working-class neighborhoods. I ride that stretch all the time and I've never had a problem. YMMV...

As a bonus, you can make a quick detour through calumet park at around 95th or so which is a great stopping point and fairly empty. Get some refreshments/snacks from the stands or food trucks there on the weekends. Also Calument fisheries is just off the route, and they have some of the best smoked fish in the city. It's gotten a James Beard award and is worth the stop.

And you end up on the Burnham Greenway, which is an excellent ride. Safe route to a great trail.

Dr. Doom said:
The signed bike route leading off the lakefront toward Burnham Greenway is as chill as can be and goes through safe middle- and working-class neighborhoods. I ride that stretch all the time and I've never had a problem. YMMV...
Brian W said:
If you decide to go further south than the South Shore Cultural center... I would advise going with a group or atleast one other individual who has been down that far before and knows the route.
I asked the same question about 8 months ago, but didnt get an answer i was happy with.

I just rode from lincoln park down to calumet city.

the ride was incredible. alot of history, water fountains all along the trail and a great view of the city on your way home.


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