While on the ride to work today, I opted not to consider all my to-dos and concerns. Instead, I tried to be completely immersed in the moment - I focused on the sounds I heard, what I saw, how the wind hit my skin. I noticed shops and streets I never saw before and actually felt the sun hitting me when I emerged from the shadows.  It was a completely different biking experience (albeit, a slightly hippie-ishon) and one that left my completely re-in love with cycling and the city of Chicago. I highly encourage all to try it!

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I enjoyed your post. I feel the same way. There are streets/areas that I used to drive past and never noticed anything but road. Now, I'm more aware of the small nuances. Certain streets I take purposely because I know I'll catch some nice downhill (at least Chicago version of downhill) riding at some point. Other places I know I have to ride through certain spots to avoid rough surfaces and so forth. The best part for me is being able to catch views that I'd only know about because I rode by. This is why I try to have a camara on me whenever I ride.

One of my favorite rides ever was an exploratory ride through Blue Island I took last year. I rode solo and just rode randomly wherever the wind took me. I stopped to peek into a quaint little art gallery that I never would've noticed in my car. I found a mexican candy store for a quick sugar rush. I found an interesting looking old house with a big Freemasons sign in front. I caught some uphill that I swear would test those who ride the Tour de France. I also found a small bike trail I never knew about. When it was over, I felt great. It may sound cheesy, but I felt like I'd experienced something really cool. My personal nirvana. Since then, if I'm driving somewhere and see someone riding along, I wonder if their in the midst of experiencing their version of my ride.

Vando said:
i kinda stumbled onto this meditative state of mind a couple of years ago. I started riding to work a couple times a week and the first thing I noticed was how the road was not as level as it felt while driving my car. On my bike I could feel every little change in the grade of the road. I said to myself "what else haven't I noticed from inside my car?" After a while you notice how certain areas have certain smells (good or bad), and all kinds of other things you miss when driving.

This is why I always say you live life more vividly in the saddle...
Totally agree! I encourage everyone I know to bicycle because so many people lose focus on being able to feel, or to be happy, stress free. The moment as your bicycle flies down the hill on Damen btw Diversey & Fullerton your morning commute becomes a sense of placid calm among the hussel & bussel life of the city. Its nesseccary for our society to be part of this world instead of plugging into a tv or an ipod, or cell phone. I think bicycling does that for me. Thanks for sharing Katie.
Thanks for sharing. Even in the din of downtown traffic I find that wonderful feeling of just going with the flow, making my way through the gridlock with ease. At my arrival I am amazed how safe I felt despite the honking disgruntled reving motorists around me.


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