City Hall is coasting on cycling intiatives, David Byrne talks bikes on VWYF

This week Vote With Your Feet examines how and why the City of Chicago,
once the national leader in promoting bicycling, has fallen behind other
towns when it comes to innovative facilities and programming to make biking safer, more convenient and fun.

Also this week, VWYF attends a forum on "Cities, Bicycles and the Future of
Getting Around" with biker rocker David Byrne and local green transportation experts.

Keep on walking, biking and transit-ing,

John Greenfield

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John's article is a really good article. You should read it.

As to the Byrne forum, I never did figure out how one was supposed to get a ticket. But I was happy to be safely at home when the glass windows started falling out downtown.
Thanks Kathy!

And thanks again for your work to get the metal-grate bridges fixed.


John Greenfield

Kathy Schubert 'n Suzy Schnauzer said:
John's article is a really good article. You should read it.

As to the Byrne forum, I never did figure out how one was supposed to get a ticket. But I was happy to be safely at home when the glass windows started falling out downtown.
This is a great piece, everybody please read it.

John notes that the City puts very little of it's own money up for cycling infrastructure. The vast, vast majority of funding comes from federal grants aimed which Chicago qualifies for only because our air is so lousy.

It's basically free money for good PR and as it dries up things have slowed to a standstill.

The City has no skin in the game.
Thanks for the kind words T.C.

John Greenfield

T.C. O'Rourke said:
This is a great piece, everybody please read it.

John notes that the City puts very little of it's own money up for cycling infrastructure. The vast, vast majority of funding comes from federal grants aimed which Chicago qualifies for only because our air is so lousy.

It's basically free money for good PR and as it dries up things have slowed to a standstill.

The City has no skin in the game.


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