Let's Stop Bitching about the Oil Spill and DO SOMETHING

I want to organize a fundraising event, or a series of them if it's a popular idea. Let's do something besides ride around booing at gas stations, guys. Let's be a proactive community of advocates for cleaner, healthier transportation and send a positive message to our city.

I'm thinking the first of such events could be a "by-donation" bike wash. Let's get out our chain-brite, our toothbrushes, our chain cleaners, our rags, etc and spend a Saturday cleaning bikes, say at the Polish Triangle or some other popular intersection for bike traffic.

Then let's send all that money to a relief fund for the Gulf. Maybe we have employers who will match our contributions? Maybe ActiveTrans will sponsor? Who knows?

Also, I'd love to make spoke cards to hand out to anyone who donates any amount of money for the event.

I'm just tired of being a bitch about it. I want to feel like I did something, and my limited ability to actually travel south and clean the coast with my hands means I have to clean something here and send money to the people who ARE more capable than I am!

So what do you guys think? Can we do this?

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Can I suggest that you donate the money to an organization thats not getting millions of dollars from gov or other sources, such as a NPO helping the wildlife.
Laura raises the next point: A very clear definition of where the money will be donated. A simple description of the organization's particular mission towards the Gulf clean-up may help to sway some people into donating.
Laura, thank you for bringing this up. Do you have some groups in mind?

Is it possible to meet your criteria and still donate to a group directly involved in the Gulf cleanup?
lol, money. It never gets where it is supposed to. Unless your there personally forget it, you can't trust people to be honest especially when it comes to a specific crisis. I suggest maybe cleaning some windows in the house or that nasty bathroom you have been meaning to do for some time. O yes the dishes too ...
This comment, I do not appreciate. I'd like to hear from anyone else who is enthusiastic about helping out and doing what we can for the cause, thanks!
I would be up for designing a spoke card and helping out. Someone should get El Duke's Attention for a possible sponsorship.

I can talk to some friends who might be able to donate or volunteer.

Make an event when things firm up.

Marco Rayos said:
I'm down, just tell me where and when. I can make spoke cards by the way. Any designe ideas please e-mail to comradecholo@gmail.com
I'm willing to pay / help pay for the spoke cards' production (copying/printing/laminating,etc) and of course I'll be donating, and of course I'll be volunteering.
I double checked my employer's matching gift policy today and I could actually get them to cover up to $900. The organization that is picked needs to meet these guidelines:

"The XXXXX Foundation will match fully tax-deductible gifts to organizations that are tax-exempt public charities pursuant to IRS section 501(c)(3) and located in the United States. Eligible organizations include the areas of: health and human services, arts and culture, environment, museums, public radio and television, zoos, food banks, and youth development programs."

So, as long as it's an enviromental organization that is legally registered as a tax-exempt charity, we're good.

Lorena Cupcake said:
I double checked my employer's matching gift policy today and I could actually get them to cover up to $900. The organization that is picked needs to meet these guidelines:

"The XXXXX Foundation will match fully tax-deductible gifts to organizations that are tax-exempt public charities pursuant to IRS section 501(c)(3) and located in the United States. Eligible organizations include the areas of: health and human services, arts and culture, environment, museums, public radio and television, zoos, food banks, and youth development programs."

So, as long as it's an enviromental organization that is legally registered as a tax-exempt charity, we're good.
I'm picky to who I raise money for, though sadly I don't know much about who is doing what for the oil situation in the gulf. If after an organization(s) is chosen, which I will start looking at some stuff tonight for suggestions, I would be more then willing to clean some bikes. On the week day that is (weeknd wrkr).

Ill see what ideas I can come up with or find, but this CAN be done!

props on the idea Joe :-)
This is great so far Joe! Sadly I would say no spoke cards. The laminate is a plastic product and requires oil. Stay in spirit. I would say have people bake. Easy and someone around here has to be capable. And who doesn't want a muffin? ;-)

I know the owner of S&G's diner at Southport and Lincoln and those streets are always full of bikers on a saturday. Would be a great spot and John is a good dude! If interested in that spot lemme know and I'll give him a call. ;-) Plus that neighborhood is a bit well to do so hopefully we can get the money outta there pockets versus hitting up poor students and hipsters. ;-)

I'll flag people into the spot where someone else can do the washing. If i touch a bike in a mechanical wait the parts fall off ;-)
This website is good for checking out charities. http://www.charitynavigator.org/

The more that I think about it, the more this type of fundraiser almost seems better suited for raising money to promote/improve cycling. If it ends up working, it could be a thing for ATA and other advocacy groups to pick up on in the future.


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